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Death sentence for Jisha's murder convict

Kushagra Kaushik ,
  12 May 2020       Share Bookmark

Court :

Brief :
The court held Ameerul guilty of rape and murder under Section 302,376 and 376A of the Indian Penal Code. The neighbor’s testimony, mobile location of Ameerul at the time of murderd, DNA reports and blood samples played an essential role in the investigation. Also, Anarul Islam left Perumbavoor few months before the comission of crime so there were no charges of instigation put against him. However, Ameerul was not found guilty under section 201 of IPC for destroying evidence. Considering it a rare or rarest case, Ernakulum session court gave him a death sentence.
Citation :
Muhammed Ameerul Islam v State of Kerala


Muhammed Ameerul Islam v State of Kerala

  • The bench – Judge N Anil Kumar
  • The Defendant/ Appellant –Muhammed Ameerul Islam (accused)
  • The Plaintiff/ Respondent – State of Kerala


Whether Muhammed Ameerul Islam is liable for the charges framed against him under Section 302, 376, 376A and 201 of the Indian Penal Code for rape and murder of Jisha, a 30-year-old law student in Kerala?

The contentions:

  • Defendant- Ameerul claimed that the commission of crime by him was a result of instigation by another migrant Anarul Islam.
  • Plaintiff- Ameerul barged into Jisha’s house when she was alone and attempted to rape her. After facing resistance from Jisha, Ameerul stabbed her over 30 times on different body parts causing her death. The DNA results proved presence of Ameerul at Jisha’s house that evening which was also confirmed by one of Jisha’sneighbour.

Final Judgement-

The court held Ameerul guilty of rape and murder under Section 302,376 and 376A of the Indian Penal Code. The neighbor’s testimony, mobile location of Ameerul at the time of murderd, DNA reports and blood samples played an essential role in the investigation. Also, Anarul Islam left Perumbavoor few months before the comission of crime so there were no charges of instigation put against him. However, Ameerul was not found guilty under section 201 of IPC for destroying evidence. Considering it a rare or rarest case, Ernakulum session court gave him a death sentence.

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Published in Criminal Law
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