Petitioner could not be recognised as a travel agent since he had started his business in 1997, long after the system had been withdrawn, is in keeping with said scheme and does not require any interference. Once the policy of recognising travel agents for the purpose of submitting passport applications and receiving the same on behalf of a client, was discontinued after July, 1992, the Petitioner, who had begun his travel agency after the said date, was not entitled to the benefit of the fresh guidelines which came to be issued on 18th July, 2000, by providing a one-time concession for all travel agents who were working prior to 1992, even though they were not members of TAAI. The policy is neither irrational nor unreasonable and appears to have been made to streamline the system of applying for and receiving passports. Therefore, no reason found to interfere with the decision of the High Court . Petition dismissed .