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 Cyber Crimes and Cyber terrorism: “Is the Internet the new “Wild Wild West?”

There can be no one exhaustive definition about Cybercrime. However, any activities which basically offend human sensibilities, can also be included in its ambit. Child Pornography on the Internet constitutes one serious Cybercrime. Similarly, online pedophiles, using internet to induce minor children into sex, are as much Cyber criminals as any other.

“Cyber terrorism is the premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against property, government and people at large.”

In the era of globalization: the use of steganography[1] as a means for communicating the terrorist design online – Red Fort case, E-mail threats in Taj Mahal Case, Supreme Court E mail Threat Case. The use of internet to plan and carry out the terrorists’ acts of September 11th – World Trade Center attack, reflects the present condition and provides the answer to the question that “Is the internet the new Wild Wild West?”

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Category Intellectual Property Rights, Other Articles by - G. ARAVINTHAN 

