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If you are looking for a single individual who has tarnished the image of the Congress party and the UPA II government, your survey must stop now. The man who must be brought home for a little treatment of his functional brain, your search may now be called off. The policemen who either misunderstood the order or acted beyond the brief are in the docks answering inconvenient questions in the Sansad Bhawan. The whole world has condemned the Delhi Police and its bosses for a violent swoop at midnight on sleeping men and women who had assembled there for a Yoga shivir. Never before violation of human rights has taken place on such a massive scale as was done against the Hindu devotees in the Ramlila maidan on 4th June 2011 under orders of P. Chidambaram. He should be ashamed of himself and his education.

The Minister who kicked off well in the second term but had to be stopped suddenly in his tracks, and he is none other than the Home Minister himself. When the dirt settled down and an analysis made on scientific lines, it would be found that it was P. Chidambaram caught in the tracks, rehabilitated as a child and sent to the school again but proved to be an incorrigible naughty boy. It would be found objectively that the police crackdown on Swami Ram Dev's devotees past midnight was an act of double murder and the brain behind it was none else than the home minister himself who had drawn the plan and carried out the wishes of the high priestess of the party whom he adores. Palaniswamy Chidambaram is more loyal than the king or the queen. What had happened on the night of 4th June 11 at the Ramlila Maidan was cold-blooded murder of the Peaceful Thought and Expression in the first instance. Secondly, what horrified the world was that the home minister himself was the murderer and he had murdered Democracy. He, under guidance of his big boss had ordered the Delhi Police to disperse the crowd, little realising that it would be cold-blooded murder of democracy and Human Rights past midnight.  Women and children were dragged out of their floor-beds, beaten up and forcibly thrown out at an unearthly hour of the night on roads and in lanes of Delhi which is notorious as the most unsafe place for women. Some call it the Rape Capital of the free world. The helpless devotees and students of Yoga had nowhere to go to, thanks to the heartless man called Chidambaram.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was not in the loop because he had described this Rape of Democracy as Ünfortunate. ”Rather mild criticism of his own home minister but he added a rider that there was no alternative. The whole world knows how wrong he was in the use of language to condemn the mayhem created by the Delhi Police under orders of the political bosses of the day.

It is understood that Divine Justice is taking care of officers and men who beat up devotees for no fault of theirs. Retribution in ample measure is on the way. Some may face the Wrath of God in this life and some may suffer for this sin in the life beyond death. The High Priestess of the party is the first to face the wrath of her Maker.


Home Minister P. Chidambaram took undue interest in “crushing Anna Hazare’s movement for eradication of corruption”. He botched up by having him arrested before he had violated any law of the land. A 74-year old man was put behind the bar in the Tihar jail and it caused a nationwide protest. The Manmohan govt, a house divided against itself where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, developed cold feet and ordered the release of old man after the Delhi police, a confused outfit at the beck and call of Chidambaram who is a specialist in making confusion worse confounded, dropped all charges. But this change of heart did not cut much ice with Anna Hazare. The old man whose strength is moral courage, now refused to leave the jail unless all restrictions on his protest fast were withdrawn. To cut the story short, all silly orders of the Delhi Police, read Chidambaram, could not stop the Man of Moral Values from going on a protest fast the way he wanted. The blame for the poor performance of govt agencies vis-a-vis Anna Hazare was laid squarely at Chidambaram’s door. Chidambaram cut a sorry figure and looked crest fallen. All the dirty moves to tarnish the image of the new age Gandhi fell flat and Chidambaram and his ministerial colleagues like Kapil Sibbal became the laughing stock.

Cidambaram failed on many fronts because his mind’s devil is too busy with the concocted theory of Hindu terror that they fail to see the real Islamist terror looming large and made India butt of all jokes relating to How Not to Tackle Terror. Chidambaram is the Guru of this school for scandal that failed to solve the six acts of Islamist terror in the recent past. Ah! Failure on Terror Front; Thy name is Chidambaram. I am not the author of this award; all TV channels say that Chidambaram has flunked the test of tackling terror.


Chidambaram loves to do things that are not his responsibility. He excels in creating controversy where none existed before. He loses time and energy on frivolous issues neglecting Internal Security that is his primary responsibility. Poking his nose into the Gujarat affairs is his latest hobby.

Chidambaram has, of late, been taking undue interest in the goings on in Gujarat. If a couple of police officers were disciplined by the state government, why did the Union Home Minister feel so uncomfortable as to encourage uniformed officers to revolt against their own state government. If the union home minister encourages indiscipline, God save the uniformed service. The future is not bright but bleak.

Chidambaram, not only brought a bad name to the UPA II government in India but attracted brickbats and big chunks of stones thrown by democratic minded foreigners.

Chidambaram talks of dealing with terrorists effectively but these are mere words. There is a wide gap between his talk and his deed. The terror attack on the Delhi High Court by detonating powerful bombs and killing 11 innocent persons and injuring 96 citizens is the direct result of inaction against Islamist terror by Chidambaram and company of nitwits. Prime Minister downwards, Chidambaram and Rahul Gandhi visited the site of bomb blast just to condemn it. Empty words sans action to crush terror do not go well with Aam Aadami. Citizens of India are angry, nay furious, with Govt of India for inaction on terror front.

Rahul Gandhi had a taste of the public anger when the angry relatives of terror victims shouted on his face “Shame on Rahul Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi Hai Hai” , “Rahul Gandhi Sharam Karo; Aatankvad per Rajneeti mat karo” and so on. It is reported that scion of the ruling oligarchy was booedbadlyat the blast site in Delhi High Court and he could not muster courage to stay there for more than 50 seconds. The root cause of this public outburst of anger is indeed ineptitude of Chidambaram. The 41 year old boy beat a hasty retreat from the Ram Manohar Lohia hospital too. He was protected by a phalanx of NSG commandos and local police. Indeed it is disgraceful that AAM AADAMI is dying at the hands of terrorists and this young man is so protected that even a despot’s security would pale into insignificance. Is Chidambaram, minister for internal security listening?

Shouldn't Palaniswamy Chidambaram be asked by the People of India to put in his papers and go home?

If a poll is carried out honestly, that indeed would be the outcome. We will lose sight of the mundu-clad home minister. Indeed that would be a change for the better. A thriving and pulsating society always motivates men and women to strive for a change. Showing Chidambaram the door will be a sign of health of the Indian society and indeed may be appreciated internationally. I think no man or woman will shed tears at the ignoble exit of the failed home minister named Chidambaram. So, let us keep our glasses charged with a drink of our own choice and be ready to drink a toast to the health of the Indian Democracy and Human Rights.

By Chitranjan Sawant

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