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Callhoun, South Carolina statesman, declared, ‘ Washington was one of us - a slave holder and a planter.We have studied his history , and find nothing in it to justify submission to wrong ….On the contrary , we find much in his example to encourage us - , should we be forced to the extremity of deciding between submission and disunion.’’.... a Comment , a quarter century after approving Robert E. Lee’s West point application….

In his final days Callhoun warned Northerners that Washington worship would not save union.

The Revolution itself had been a rebelion against a union, albeit one with Britain. Washington had not hesitated to sever those bonds, Southerners would not hesitate to cut their cords with the North.

Refering to ‘The Great Triumvirite’ p.461 by Peterson, have to say , ‘How then (mid 1850s the Americans commented on eminent statesmen like George Washington, 1st President of the United States of America, say 13 states only agreed to be in federation with a lot of reservations on so many issues mainly on Black Slaves came to USA came as a Dower to whites on marriages...after all highly exploited persons to the Whites in their plantations, and cultivation on vast pieces of land Whites held as Land Lords.

Washington thought to liberate the slaves but he could not though he viewed American independence means to every human being living in America then but he could not help, as there were a lot of obstacles placed by fellow whites in almost all states, more particularly Southerners were against abolition of Slave trade, and holding slaves as if ytheir birth right, though a lot of Northern States were relenting to give in to Washington’s perceptions, to a great extent.

Even a South Carolin statesman in John .C. Calhoun even joked on Washington, saying he himself was one of us meaning like Calhoun , a slave holder and planter. what justification he has to say ‘Emancipate Slaves’ a question he posed . being a Northerner (of north of North America).

He even quipped , ‘We have studied Washington’s history, and find nothing in it, noteworthy to justify submission to wrong…. ‘On the Contrary, we find much in his example to encourage us, should we be forced to the ‘extremity’ of deciding between submission and disunion.’, clearluy failing to realize .

This is just like what William Shakespear said, ‘He jests at scars that never felt a wound’. Several times Slaves resisted Slavery but every time a lot were mercilessly killed by whites with resultant losses among Whites too. But lessson does not seem to influence Calhoun is indeed aparent. But genuinely it influenced Washington is indeed a fact, after all, only jhistorical reflections only modify thoughts not otherwise, reflections are always registered by resistances from affected persons, in history.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow rigtly felt, ‘Believe me, every man has his secret sorrows, which the World knows not; and oftentimes we calla man cold, when he is sad’. That kind of feelings one can see in Calhoun but yet like , ‘A fool often fails because he thinks what is difficult is easy;’ while Washington, ‘(and) like a wise man because he (thouught then) thinks what is easy is Difficult’, as said a thinker in J. Churton Collins.

Washington realized perhaps like as is told in an Arabian proverb, ‘Charity makes no decrease in property’, for he could have felt, ‘Emancipation of Slaves’ would build a lot of goodwill in the perceptions of Slaves themselves, for they the Slaves also indeed thinking persons as they too have perceptions like Whites then.

Washington might have not desired, the ‘Indolence’ in man developed in man over time, might be, sooner, counter productive, after all ‘indolence, and Laziness’ is a product when resistance in one dies down, naturally. So he could have felt ‘Resistance in Slaves for Slavery is indeed a good indication to allow earlier Emancipation of Slaves, that could be a selfish benefit for Whites too besides, all men could put up efforts for hardwork with all perseverance, a sureshot growth mechanics for overall Economy of the Americans, as such, but people like Calhoun could not view like Washington might be the reason for rantings of Calhoun.

As Arabs thought, that charity would enable every one run away(escape) from Indolence,lazinesss, that is the sure growth of Economy instrument; and that kind of thought lines in Washinton impelled him to think of Emancipation of Slaves; but once used to comforts Whites in America then thanks to ‘indolence and lazyness’ built in them over years by black slavery perpetualization,held American Whites then like Ghost or devilhaunting in the whites forced them to perpetuate Slavery, after all indolence and lazyness is a kind of Scylla and Charibdis type hold white men then, so they never liked to go with Washington, after all Washington what he did is in the best interest of emancipating the Whites from indolence and lazyness that was getting much more strangle hold on whitew who were used to various make believe comforts of black slavery that gave the Whites; in fact Washington might have wanted Whites should put up better efforts with all perseverance without wasting their energies in fighting between whites and blacks, vice versa.

Arabs by Islamic perception abhored ‘interest rates’, in Islamic banking system; that is a sure way not to encourage’ indolence or lazyness’ of any kind in ‘investing community’, as all need to work very hard to their best to keep oneslf fit physically always, besides mentally active; and indeed very healthy life is just insured and assured, once just because indulgences would just be lost of its sheen and fall drastically to the most minimum levels; besies indolent kind ‘inflations’ in economy would be indeed be out or just drop to very minimum levels, if not washed out indulgently.

‘All performances of human art, at which , we look with praise and wonder , are instances of ‘resistless’ perseverance’, what Samuel Johnson mused could have been the musings of Washington perhaps … that way ‘Slavery’ might have been a human art idea to harness the slave labor at highly exploitable levels possible, after all none else could replicate an another man but for God’s creations that only are instances of ‘resistless’ perseverance to harness that energy - force under principles of exploitation that exploitation as such could be looked at with ‘praise and wonder’ by exploiters of any kind, but for God’s benevelence for self survival that power is bestowed in every fellow human being, how fellow human could exploit that energy by another by harnessing you, think a while!

But obviously Washington never wanted to exploit the Slave labor for ever, enough is enough might have been his perception, let American be more humanistic in naturql justice of Emancipation for all, as every American wanted to get out of British Empire when once it started exploiting every one in Americas that was founded by Pilgrim progress, May Faire drive aways, as Britain never wanted to take care of those persons . indeed such people from all over Europe located Americas to fend for themselves, and had to face all fury of climates in these regions when they landed, a lot gave their lives for the sake of taking care of their progeny. That way Benjamin Franklin when once in Boston said, we have come here for “Eat to live not for Live to Eat’ that might have reverberated in the ears of Washington, and he- Washington- could have rightly felt what right being a White he has better claim for prosperity, than black slave for better living than black, that might have paved his perception for Emancipation for all humans in this new foundland, called America which is in forms of several states, but the founders of American independence wanted to unite as a Federal Republic, in which only thirteen states agreed initially, as others had their own predilections or reservations for their own various reasons. Even among thirteen there were several irreconcilables.

Simply ruthlessly subjugating is not the principle of American independence but every State in 
volition need participate in the Federation as here in America the principle is based on Liberty and independence of thought, mutually accepting to join in Federation for mutual benefits and advantages, when so why not the Slaves too was the buning question before Washington. So Washington is a household name, and no house in USA is complete without a picture of Washington as also Queen Victoria, as wall hanging, even today, right from Slums to any high and glorious families, in all communities, as reported by Charles Dickens a famous British novelist when he travelled United States.

Even a French Diplomat saw traces then of the ‘Magical power’ of Monopoly in Force of Opinion attached to this person - George Waashington throughout the whole of America.

Harry Lee wished to convey , ‘Dwell on the virtues and imitate, as far as lies in your power, the great, and good men whom history presents to our view… read therefore the best poets, the best Orators and the best historians. Harru=y remained an apostle for Washington Glory.

He once urged the Congress to appropriate funds for Washington Mausoleum which he said ‘will impress a sublime awe ‘ in the future generations. He added, ‘We are deeply interested in holding ‘ up Wasington’s virtues’, as illustrious models to our sons’, he explained. He recommended to his own sons read ‘Washington’s official letters wherein the just honorable man is plainly to be seen even by a young reader.’ He wrote, ‘The boys should train themselves to rise before the sun (in the eastern horizon), because, ‘the great American soldier and statesman...told me himself , that had he not happily been from early life accustomed to rise early, he could never have executed the duty which devolved on him in the course of life . ‘Regarding vices that had ruined his own life , Harry instructred Carter, ‘Avoid Debt, the sink of mental power and the subvertion of independence, which draws into debasement, even virtue, in appearance, certainly, if not in REALITY.’

He addded, ‘A man ought to be not only tobe virtuous, in reality, but he must always appear so’ this said to me the great Washington. ‘While the balance had eluded Harry Lee, he hoped his sons might find it in /////washington’s example’.

In someways, a writer said Washington’s and Harry Lee’s personalities, had been similar.

His second wife, Ann taught her sons, the Economy that Washington once fauted their father Harry for lacking. Every child might want something different for dinner- veal for the brothers , fowl for one sister, , and fruit for another - but Ann (sternly) refused to cater to Individual tastes.

As there is to be but one dish , all cannot be pleased, she said. She urged her children to find, ‘the noble independence of spirit, which would cause you to blush at incurring an expense , you could not in justice to your family afford. She did not hide the reality of their finances.’

‘We cannot borrow money, because we cannot repay it.’ She dismissed ‘Quick fixes’. She considered ‘frienly wagers’ as ‘ wages of inequity. which she wanted her children need avoid at all cost. You must repel every evil and allow yourself to indulge in such habits only as are consistent with religion and morality, ‘ she warned. in fact she was a very rich heiress but all lost thanks to Harry’s errors. Hence she cut her coat according to cloth, And she advised like Palonius to Leartes…’ neither a borrower nor a lender for it oft loses both itself and the friend’.

She was indeed a great teacher that enlivened her children to reach well in their callings, for she too followed Washington perspectives.

Ann wrote to her son ,’’oh!, that I could impart to you the knowledge gained from the experience of …...years, then would you be onvinced on fhe vanity of every pursuit not under the control of the most inflexible virtue.’ When her son Robert was found to be stubborn her sister advised her -Ann - a remedy, ‘Whip and pray , and pray and Whip’. 

Indeed soon the boy really became a gem of a person and was a good Lt.Col in the Army, soon after he looked her, and managed the household besides, but was a great officer after passed through West Point.

Therefore, from the above reading one could make out how great was the influence on the people as also his own extended family.

Hence Calhoun ranting is of no consequence, as Civil rights fight progressed in its own own way, president Kenneddy, right from president Abraham Lincoln did pay their lives as whites persisted in their right to maintain slavery but slaves over threw it thanks to revolutionary men….duly supported by all the presidents who wanted emancipation of slaves too like whites.

History never leaves its own determination on the man is proved time and again.

By: G. Balakrishnan

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