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Draught is so severe, about 30% Indian population is badly affected is not some sooth saying; but a fact today, for want of water resources.

Dr K L Rao plan to connect all perennial rivers did not see the light of the day though it needed then just 10,000 crores only; might be very costly but yet needed then too; obvious none can live on uncertain weather basis; why these worthies failed one needs to ask;
Indian Agriculture needs about 80 % of total water resources; without that provision, none would get food at all. Besides today potential farmers are getting killed by hunger or by suicides due to money lenders putting terrible pressure on them. 
NABARD tries its best assistance of finance, but that is only a trickle.
Agricultural income tax could be possible on very rich farmers ; why not fiscal budgets did not look into; obviously the worthies played partisan politics;
Building activities simply going on and on just to politicians ensure their black moneys earn unconscienable interest rates; besides building investments is a parking of black moneys in buildings investments, like in Adarsh building very illegally rich politicians as also public servants and businessmen parked their f]illegal black funds, like is Swiss banks or similar parking facilities.
Politicians know for pretty  many decades that water resources are drying, due to man made reasons- like excessive building activities by converting wet lands for non agriculture activities under tacit approval of these unworthy politicians misusing the independence and so called democratic unreliable functioning, that kind of function helped these 'Worthies' to siphon off the moneys, under so called subsidies to poor , a kind of 'Helicopter Moneys'; in fact never subsidies  never reach right persons, as 'middle men - politicians' and 'executive departments', just swallow a lion's share of the funds like Helicopter moneys..
You reported when a Marathwada farmer asked the district collector some question why he is not getting the allocated funds he was badly handled by the so called 'district collector'; obviously because the politicians in power in Maharashtra made the collector to reply to the farmer so roughly by an indecent answer, that led the Fadnavis (BJP) regime; and made the  farmer had to commit suicide before Mantralaya (secretariat) in Mumbai, recently; obviously politicians are promoters of suicides everywhere 
So no party is 'good' is obvious, since six decades except Short periods like Green Revolution and the like that helped poor farmers. Rich farmers got high benefits;
See Banks very bad NPA is standing around  13 lack crores per your reports on dna, does t not mean if unrecoverable means, that much funds have gone as Helicopter Moneys only in india, thanks to law makers policies;
How can we blame RBI governor Rajan; 
Subramanyam swamy wants him pack off; he never loved to stay down, as he is not paid any  Helicopter type salaries; he really works much lesser what he was making as professor in Chicago. 
Politicians in India failed to  appreciate the need of the Nation even through states were created under so called 'Re-organisation of States Act 1950s'.
Obviously politicians joined together to gather  their own super income, under so many exemptions, worse than Vijay Mallayya, a liquor baron of India, now in hiding in the UK; - so many politicians need to be criminally tried; we will not just because these worthies control you; as you have lost self respect by giving your valuable votes to most dishonorable men in politics;
Again you see, the government might not move Extradition treaty with the U.K due to obvious reasons, as all are similar kind of Money launderers; for Vijay might reveal their names. 
But political gimmick would simply continue to defraud  poor super ignorant citizens of india, obviously ignorant just because they  are mislead;
Just to see these worthies are to enjoy real 'Helicopter Moneys', as they converted good moneys as Helicopter moneys idea, since last 60 + years..
Helicopter Moneys idea came in, by the great Nobel Laureate Dr.Milton Friedman, with the good intention to keep the economy moving, in very bad times 
He observed. that is required in dire needs when the countries depressions hit the rock-bottom, then only one may resort; but we have been resorting to just to fill politicians' pockets since day one;
Though it might push consumption of many items, at high prices, at the cost of very poor people,  while some people would have cash with them to push the inflation, might become stagflation, if uncontained.
That idea was misused by sub prime perpetrators under 'several packages of real estate mortgages'; under several 'derivatives', that caused world economic problems that fueled from the USA in 2007/08  through 2008/09; and yet not abated in 2016.
Indeed,  monetary easing that way cannot be promoted any where by the central banks; that is the prerogative of  the central banks only and certainly not that of governments, for obvious reasons.
Ben Bernanke as Fed chairman talked about it in his responses to the Senate in the USA;
That helped the stabilizing the US economy to some extent, by the Bankruptcy protection codes, during the after effects of sub crime crisis;  
Now India faces, similar worse crisis due to draught;
Monetary easing need to be worked out with the Central bank,(if it can allow); might be it might not agree Helicopter Money, as Bank of England economist  Mr Tony Yates  who warned the very bad consequences to the economy, in any political economy which consists all cross section parties including all oppositions in any economy ; Obviously he is right in hos observations, like Raghuraman Rajan's at LSE lecture; 
Same views Raghuram Rajan voiced at LSE lecture the other day. I agree with his perceptions.
India misused Monetary easing when Dr. Man Mohan Singh government, got the Monetary easing just to protect the 6th pay commission recommendations; 
Just because UPA government wanted to push consumption as contraction of economy was about to put the country in some serious depression, 6th pay commission recommendation is one kind of Helicopter Moneys, but that continues to pour every months in the hands of public servants, pushing consistently the inflation; 7th pay commission also would contribute its mite too.
What it did  - just shot up real estate prices to astronomical levels just to help politicians to park in buildings investments; to give them 'astronomical returns of their investments'(obviously pushing black moneys in too the good moneys);
Just indeed it was  actually and really raping the poor flat buyers who were lured to take 20 year loans to buy their flats;
That way 'real estate inflationary effect came into being';
Further unique identification by Doctor by using Nilenkeni by an approximate investment of Rs.40,000 crores - that produced the 'illegal' biometric usages of people - under that so called 'Aadhar cards'  and like that some subsidies to poor that never reached the right beneficiaries; but only politicians just siphoned off is known by every one, by just creating an euphoria of the great idea of Aadhar card.
Now I have to say, when you used consumption ideology and allowed inflation to gallop; what is wrong if you use  similar mechanics by putting a lot of seawater purification plants in your 3000 miles coast line;
So that it would alleviate  the needs of agriculture; you did not but the after effects of draught has put abt 33 crores of population is the receiving end;
So better use Monetary easing to meet per head of 33 crores to get free rs.3000 per month as draught subsidy;
Subject it could be recoverable without loading any interest rates under some easy EMI pay back  schemes, once the life improves for the people.
After all this draught condition is the worst disaster for Indian economy; no point simply taking your GDP is growing 7 or odd %;
Thus clear B***S***** by the governments;
When people die for want of food due to contraction of agriculture as also jobs in industrial sector due to industry is contraction per Assochem studies.
Correctly the hon S C  said 'take proper alleviating measures', as Art 21 is going to be active; the right to life  - 'no parliament or legislature' can say we would abridge; 
if said naturally serious  civil war kind of situation or civil disobedience movements might surge;
Politicians need to talk sense now;
No more drama please; 
For the after effects might become uncontainable these  worthies need to realize.
Liability of the Nation is going to be, again, on account of draught is as    high  as, if 6,50,000 lacs of crores .
You can't avoid unless you love to kill 33 crores of people, sirs

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