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Apply for Inclusion of name in the Electoral Rolls- Delhi


To download, click on the corresponding form names.

Form 4

Application For New Registration of Electors at the time of Enumeration(house to house verification)when enumerator finds the house repeatedly locked.

Form 6 (only for downloading)

Application for inclusion of name in electoral roll after draft publication of draft roll (if your name is not included in the draft role). This option allow you to only download the form, To submit form 6 online click here(Form 6 Online)

Form 7

Application for objection to inclusion of name in electoral roll.

Form 8

Application for objection to particulars entered in electoral roll.

Form 8A

Application for transposition of entry in electoral roll.

Forms for Candidate


Nomination paper for Lok Sabha Election


Nomination paper for Legislative Assembly Election


Affidavit regarding Criminal Cases


Affidavit regarding Assets


Procedure for obtaining certified entry of Electoral Roll.

After the publication of Rolls you can obtain a copy of the certified entry by approaching the ERO concerned. You will be required to deposit some money and thereafter the ERO will issue the required certificate.

Rationalisation/ change in existing Polling Stations:

The process of rationalisation and changing of existing Polling Stations will start after the publication of the Roll. For this purpose consultation will be held with the representatives of the Political Parties before any changes are made. You are invited to give your suggestions in this regard through E-mail at the following address:

For inclusion of your name in the Electoral Rolls, fill the following forms:

To download, click on the corresponding form names.

Form 6

In case your name is not included in draft rolls being published . This form should be submitted to your ERO.

Form 7

In case you want to delete any name from the Electoral Roll.

Form 8

In case a modification in any entry is required.

Note :
You cannot have names at two places (Assembly Constituency or in the State) so please get your name deleted before adding it at a new address.

For any Election related enquiry, please call Helpline.

Helpline No. 011-23918888


Q.1 I have shifted my residence recently. How do I ensure that I am enrolled in my new place of residence and my name is deleted from the old place?

Ans. In case new residence is in the same constituency please fill form 8A otherwise form 6 and submit to ERO (SDM) or AERO (FSO) of the area of your new residence.

Q.2 I have shifted my residence recently. I have Photo ID Card with the old address. Can I get new I Card for the present address?

Ans .First of all please ensure that you have enrolled your self in the Electoral Roll of the concerned AC, where you are now residing procedure is given as in ans no.1. Subsequently, changes will be made in existing Identity Card by pasting new address on the back side of the card.

Q.3 My old I Card is defective. I would like to have a new I Card with correct particulars. What is the procedure?

Ans. You can get your I Card rectified by depositing it in the Office of the ERO concerned or at Photography center when the work of preparation of Photo ID card begins.

Q.4 I do not have a ration card. Can I get enrolled without a ration card? What are the other documents, which I can show as proof of my residence?

Ans. Ration Card is not necessary, however you can show any other proof of residence like Passport, Bank Pass Book, Driving license etc. or any Govt. document to facilitate the work of registration. Proof of residence is not necessary.

Q.5 I am a tenant and my landlord does not want me to get enrolled. How can I get enrolled as a voter?

Ans . To get enrolled in the voter list is your fundamental right. Please check the Electoral role of your area ar ERO (SDM)/AERO (FSO) office. If your name is not included please fill up Form 6 and deposit it with the ERO.

Q.6 I have shifted my residence recently to Delhi from another State where I was registered as a voter. I have an I Card issued from the previous place of residence. How can I get a new I Card at the present place of address and what will I do with the old I Card?

Ans. Please get your name deleted from the previous address, which will facilitate your registration in Delhi.After that please get enrolled by filling up form-6 and depositing the same aong with the proof of deletion in the office of SDM/FSO. Your address can be changed on the back side of the Card as the same card wil remain valid.

Q.7 I will be attaining the age of 18 on 1.1.2002. What proof do I need to show to get enrolled?

Ans. You can submit the proof of Date of Birth from the authorized agency (Passport, Matric certificate, Date of Birth certificate etc.)

Q.8. When I fill up Form 4, should I attach proof of my residence with Form 4?

Ans. It is not necessary but if you attach a proof of residence, this will help early verification of the particulars given by you.

Q.9. When I fill up Form 4, should I attach proof of my residence with Form 4?

Ans. The special compaign are run for preparation of I card from time to time. The schedule & designated locations are published through News papers and are available on website. I card are prepaired on contineous basis in the office of Jt CEO/DC of your area.

Q.10 Enumerator has visited my house and taken down the detailes. How do i ensure that my name is finally included in the electoral rolls ?

Ans. He must have handed over you record of Enumeration, which is your acknowledgement. You can check your name in the draft roll, which will be published and available at the office of the ERO concerned to confirm that your name exists in the roll.

Q.11 Please give me details of my Polling Station and Assembly Constituency. Who do I contact to get these details?

Ans. This would be possible only when you tell your complete address at the reception/enquiry. The phone No. is 23918888. You can check it from the ECI or CEO office website also.

Q.12 I have lost my old I Card. How can I get a new I Card?

Ans. You can deposit a copy of FIR lodged at the Police Station. You will get a new I Card after deposit Rs. 25. The dates for issuing I Cards are published in leading Newspapers, in Jt CEO/DC office then cards are made throught the year.

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