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Intellectual Property Rights Articles

Ethical or Legal - Outsourcing Legal services - Kazim Ma Foi

  Kazim   01 April 2010 at 20:13

Benjamin H Brewster once said “lawyer starts life giving $500 worth of law for $5, and ends giving $5 worth for $500”. Interestingly, F W Taylor father of scientific management would have referred the above condition as misalignment of l ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   2619 Views


  Rujitha T.R.   22 March 2010 at 15:39

Intellectual property Rights, Intellectual Property in India, Copyright, Copyrights in India, Indian Copyright Act, Copyright laws in India, Ownership and Assignment of Rights Copyright. ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights  1 comments |   20264 Views


  Rujitha T.R.   22 March 2010 at 15:38

OWNERSHIP AND ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT *Rujitha T.R INTRODUCTION Copyright protection is given for a work having originality,ie it should be from the ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   4634 Views

We do not want draconian Bio-technology law

  Shafeer   01 March 2010 at 15:12

The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill is going to be tabled in the ongoing budget session in Indian Parliament. If this particular bill is passed in the parliament and gets president's assent without any modifications then ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   2106 Views

contributory infringement on the internet

  Nasir Ali   20 February 2010 at 19:08

Contributory infringement on the internet In the oxford dictionary the word contributory is defined as : 1. Of, relating to, or involving contribution. 2. Helping to bring about a result. 3. Subject to an impost or levy. infringement refer ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   4527 Views

moral rights of an author

  Nasir Ali   10 February 2010 at 18:59

MORAL RIGHTS OF AN AUTHOR Moral rights stand for what are termed as “Author’s Special Rights”. Founded on Article 6bis of the Berne,,moral rights protect attribution and integrity, stating: “Independently of the author&rsquo ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   5208 Views


  Raj Kumar Makkad   20 January 2010 at 15:16

Some people hate lawyers. Shakespeare's Henry VI wanted to "kill all the lawyers," and Vladimir Lenin advised clients to give their lawyers "hell" and denounce them as scoundrels. In the United States, even children recite anti-la ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   3141 Views

How to Make Complaint Against Press

  Raj Kumar Makkad   20 January 2010 at 15:15

Procedure for filing the complaint 1. Complaints against the Press It is open to any person to lodge a complaint with the Press Council against a newspaper for a breach of the recognized ethical canons of journalistic propriety an ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   3726 Views

Which Public Authority has CIC papers?

  Raj Kumar Makkad   30 December 2009 at 23:23

In DoPT’s reply to our legal notice, there is an offer to make available the “minutes of the decision taken by the committee.” Presumably, it means that DoPT is willing to provide minutes of each and every meeting of the PM’s ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   2722 Views

Intellectual Property: Resale Royalty for Visual Artists Act

  Raj Kumar Makkad   27 December 2009 at 10:26

Background * In its 2007 arts policy, New Directions for the Arts, the Federal Government committed to a resale royalty scheme for visual artists, based on the recommendation in the Report of the Contemporary Visual Arts and Craft Inquiry of 2002. ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights  1 comments |   3813 Views