The Companies Amendment Act,2017(herein after referred to as the �Amendment Act�)has finally seen the light of the day after a period of prolonged hibernation las ..
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2017, introduced in Lok Sabha on 16 March, 2016 as The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2016 was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance on 12 April, 2016. The Standing Committee on Finance examined the Bill and submi ..
Normally parties choose arbitration as the dispute resolution mechanism to resolve all their disputes arising out of or relating to a contract. In such a situation, arbitrator has unlimited scope to decide all the issues raised by the parties. It is ..
As we all are aware that in September, 2017 the government of India steps up its fight against the black money. The Government of India with the help of Ministry of Finance, pushes ahead with the efforts to weed out shell ..
In most of the Build operate Transfer types of contracts (BOT), we normally see a chapter called conditions Precedent. These conditions precedents impose certain obligations on both the parties which are to be fulfilled or waived off for the starting ..
In our country, everyday there are many announcements about new launch of infrastructure projects on either BOT basis or Annuity basis or EPC basis etc., But most of them end up in arbitrations due to delay in completion or termination or escalation ..
What Is Business Valuation?The Business Valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of a stakeholder�s interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market par ..
In a recent Judgment delivered on 23rd January 2018 in the matter of M/S. Indian Farmers Fertilizer Co-operative Limited Vs M/S. Bhadra Products, Supreme Court of India dealt with an interesting issue �Whether an arbitration award passed by an ..
These days many foreign law firms have started recommending Foreign companies to agree on an arbitration clause proving India seated International Arbitration. Hence, the negative feeling about having an Arbitration in India is slowly changing. The P ..
In a recent Judgment, High Court of Delhi in Shree Ganesh Metals Vs Glencore International AG (2017 SCC Online Del 11435) that a mere reference of another Contract with an Arbitration clause stating that the terms of that contract would apply, is not ..