Section 164 companies act, section 164(2) of companies act 2013 applicability, section 164(2) of companies act 2013 amendment, section 164(2) of companies act 2013 MCA, removal of disqualification of directors. ..
Relaxation in compliances for Shifting of Registered Office within the same State from the jurisdiction of one Registrar of Companies to anotherThe Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), in exercise of the powers conferred by section 469 of the Compani ..
Protection under the Constitution of India Part XIII of the Constitution of India contains provisions relating to the freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse within the territory of India. The provisions ..
The courts of this country should not be the places where resolution of disputes begins. They should be the places where the disputes end after alternative methods of resolving disputes have been considered and tried. - Sandra Day O'Connor Introd ..
In a recent Judgment Union of India Vs Vodafone Group PLC United Kingdom (2017) SCC Online Delhi 9930 dated 22nd August 2017, Delhi High Court granted injunction restraining Vodafone Group PLC United Kingdom from taking any action in furtherance of t ..
Default by Jaypee-Infratech and Amrapali Group and their inclusion in the list of the 12 big corporate loan defaulters against which the Reserve Bank of India has ordered initiation of insolvency proceedings has resulted in cascading effect. It has n ..
Even though the courts in India have consistently held that the Arbitrator is the final judge relating to finding of facts and relating to the interpretation of the terms of the contract. It is also have been a standard view that while exercising the ..
One of the frequently encountered issue in arbitration proceedings is missing out of a claim and parties seeking remedy by way of an amendment to the award or by way of an additional award. Normally the scope of correction of the award under S.33 of ..
During 19th century, use of petroleum was limited. Since petroleum is dangerous, India needed legislations for regulating petroleum. Finally Indian Petroleum Act, 1899 was passed. With the rapid developments in the use of petroleum that took place in ..
All over the world, the supervising courts refrain themselves from interfering in an Arbitration award, for any other reason except those specified in the procedural law. Most of the Arbitration laws are similar to UNCITRAL Model law and hence the gr ..