Central Government in continuation of its endeavours to promote Ease of Doing Business in India has passed proposal for abolishing the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and allowing concerned Administrative Ministries/Departments to process a ..
Meaning of Right Share of Issue: Right Issue means offering shares to existing members in proportion to their existing shareholding through letter of offer.A rights issue is directly offered to all existing shareholders of the Company in proportion t ..
It is generally known that the directors are vicariously liable for the act of company, as the company is an artificial person and shall act on behalf of its directors only. However in this regard section 141 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 i ..
LIABILITY OF A DIRECTOR SECTION WISE CIVIL/CRIMINAL LIABILITY TO BE PAID 166 of CA,2013 (Duties of director) 1.To act in accordance with article of association[1] 2.To act in good faith[2] and to promote the inter ..
Ministry of corporate affairs came up with the new concept that incorporation of anew company with in one day. It is simplified procedure (SINGLE WINDOW FORM)to incorporate new company with Name reservation, DIN, PAN, TAN & CIN. Inglobal scenario ..
The Code has come into effect in phases from 05.08.2016 to 15.12.2016. Some provisions are yet to come into effect. ..
Today the number of startup concerns are quite increasing. The percentage of legal challenges faced by a startup is also proportionately increasing. Startups focus more on building their business and brand. Unfortunately, they ignore the legal compon ..
Changing Facet of Law relating to Liability of Bankers ..
Compliance is a word that is resonating in the corporate world in recent times, more so after the debacle of an instant noodles brand last year. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) banned them for higher lead and MSG content. The ..
ESOPs BY FOREIGN HOLDING TO THE EMPLOYEES OF ITS INDIAN SUBSIDIARYList of Prescribed Compliances- Under FEMA and Companies Act, 2013A) Compliances Under FEMA:In compliance of Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV) / W ..