During 1986 the then Chief Justice P.N. Bhagwati introduced public interest litigation (PIL) to the Indian judicial system. It is known in western jurisprudence as �salus populi est suprema lex� means �regard for public welfare is ..
Art 32 Of Indian Constitution, Art 32 Of Indian Constitution Explanation, Art 32 And 226 Of Indian Constitution. ..
The term ‘writ’ is derived from an Anglo-Saxon term ‘gewrit’ equal to, Latin ‘breve’. It is an order in writing, issued by the English monarch to a specified person to undertake a specified action; for example, in ..
Principles of natural justice requires that a person charged with any blame should be given an opportunity to explain or give reason for such conduct before proceeding to take action against such person. On the same principle before initiating any ac ..
Legal drafting skills. Legal language and legal writing. Examples of legal drafting. Common language of law. How to improve legal drafting. Law learning language. Legal writing academic and professional communication. ..