IntroductionThe Skilled–Independent Regional (Provisional) (SIR) Visa is for skilled people who wish to live and work in a regional or low population growth area in Australia. The visa was developed in consultation with state and territory gove ..
London, June 13 (PTI) Noting that the overall social indicators of access to justice in India are quite disappointing, Chief Justice of India, K G Balakrishnan today said polical will is needed if some meaningful progress is to be made in the country ..
Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan has said that UK law firms could be allowed to operate in India but a final decision in the matter would have to be taken by the Indian Bar Council."I don't think Indian Bar Council can continue to resist ..
There is a well recognized statutory, administrative and judicial framework to uphold intellectual property rights ("IPR") in India, whether they relate to patents, trade marks, copyright or industrial designs. Well-known international trad ..
As the primary market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has realised the need to not only lay down broadbased framework and regulations, but also actually go into the next level of detail in creating an architecture for monitori ..
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may de-license or leave it to banks to open branches in rural and semi-urban centres, in a step towards liberalising its branch authorisation policy.If that happens, it will no longer be compulsory for a bank to open b ..
“justice delayed, justice denied”INTRODUCTION: The much-maligned interventionist role of the judiciary receiving support from leading practitioners, including Senior Advocates ARVIND DATAR and GOURAB BANERJI. Two of the most heavily cr ..
All we would like to have a happy relationship with our partner, but life sometimes does not agree. I am a middle-aged person, and I had some relationships that had not a happy end.Sometimes it depends on you, sometimes it depends on your partner but ..
I. The Source of Responsibility The Constitution of India in spirit with the fundamental policy declaration in Article 50 to separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the State ..
Justice R. K. Abichandani, Judge, High Court of Gujarat I. The Constitutional Perspective The Solemn Constitutional resolution by the People of India which ensures to all its Citi ..