I have earlier written some articles dealing the issue of oppression and mismanagement under section 397/398 of Companies Act, 1956. I am of the opinion that the company law is very very complicated world wide in view of its complicated struct ..
How many types of advocates are there in Indian courts ..
How can you get a divorce?By filling in a form called a “petition” and taking it to any divorce county court or to the Principal Registry in London.This leaflet gives you a list of all divorce county courts.The addresses and telephone num ..
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIACIVIL APPELALTE JURISDICTIONCRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 875 OF 2008(Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 4801 of 2007)DCM Financial Services Ltd. …. AppellantVersusJ.N. Sareen and another …. RespondentsJ U D G M E N TS.B. ..
*legal system must evolve, make appropriate laws and enforce them to regulate inter faith marriage, marriage brokers, and exploitation of women by unscrupulous people in the name of loveMarriage being an essential institution, whosoever is associ ..
Defamation is defined as “the publication of a statement which reflects on a person’s reputation and tends to lower him in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally or tends to make them shun or avoid him.” The ..
Every institution is liable to be abused, and every liberty, if left unconcealed, has the tendency to become a license which would lead to disorder and mayhem [17]. It has to be remembered that this freedom is not absolute, unlimited or unfettered a ..
Almost everyone knows someone has been a Victim. But, there’s still an attitude that somehow it always happens to “the other guy”. But, what if you are the “other guy”?All across India, the fastest growing White Collar ..
The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill was passed by both the Houses of the Parliament and received the assent of the President of India on 10th August, 1971. It came on the Statute Book as the "The MTP Act, 1971". This law guarantees t ..
Every year 6.7 million abortions take place in India but the sad part is that 5.7 millions are illegal. The place and technique used in most of the illegal cases are unsafe and unhygienic,"The result is obvious - India has a steep maternal mort ..