INDIA'S prison law and policy needs total review. For example, India's Prison's Act 1894 permits " whipping" for prison indiscipline.This remains on India's statute book though it's been abolished in Andhra, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pr ..
Earlier, I have written few articles on oppression and mismanagement under section 397/398 of Companies Act, 1956. After looking into an interesting angle while dealing with a Company issue, I have decided to present that inviting comments fro ..
Status of Information Technology in Indian CourtsEver since NIC took up computerization in Supreme Court in 1990, many applications have been computerized which have impact on masses i.e. litigants. Following are some of the applications which have b ..
This paper* to attempts to compare the competitiveness of India and China over the last decade: China's GDP was three times that of India in 2007. China's share of GDP to the world was 10.8%, which was double that of India. The average annual growth ..
Fifteen days from now, India will be commemorating the carnage of 26/11 and pledging never to let it happen again. If past record is any indicator, it is virtually impossible to see this pledge through though preventing a terrorist strike for one yea ..
It is strange that Karnataka High Court Chief Justice P D Dinakaran, against whom serious charges of encroachment and illegal occupation of public land, acquisition of wealth beyond known means and abuse of office have been levelled, still continues ..
AT THE time of the national and state assembly elections, earlier this year, an NGO provided considerable detail to show that our legislative assemblies and parliament had come to be populated by a disproportionately large number of millionaires. The ..
It has now been established that rules were bent when Manu Sharma, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of model Jessica Lall, was given parole. Sharma had sought parole on three grounds: to participate in the religious rites of his late gra ..
Executive SummaryLast month, the Federal Government announced that it will overhaul the privacy laws of Australia and implement a consistent privacy law regime. These changes will represent the most material reforms to Australian privacy law since th ..
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on GSTQuestion 1 : What is the justification of GST ? Answer : There was a burden of "tax on tax" in the pre-existing Central excise duty of the Government of India and sales tax system of the State Go ..