How mother can be beta noir of her child, especially of unborn child? Woman can give birth to man. This distinct quality places her on both advantageous and disadvantageous stance. She has right to motherhood but ..
Internet - An immense, global network that connects computers via telephone lines and/or fiber networks to storehouses of electronic information. With only a computer, a modem, a telephone line and a service provider, people from all over the world ..
A mild flutter was created on 22nd September, 1915 when a German Warship sent a number of explosive shells into Madras City aiming obviously at strategic places. Some shells were aimed at the High Court Buildings that is to say at the light house on ..
MAHESH KAPASI & CO E-Mail:maheshkapasi49@gmail.comChartered Accountants Phone: 2686 8147B-49, Gulmohar Park, ..
MAHESH KAPASI & CO E-Mail:maheshkapasi49@gmail.comChartered Accountants Phone: 2686 8147B-49, Gulmohar Park, ..
Worst Nine Cyber Crimes of 2008.. Prashant Mali ( Friends 2008 has been a groovy year for cyber criminals where diggers and phreakers hit bones after bones and eluded in the galaxy of cyber space.According to Symantec's M ..
Cyber Crimes Not Yet Solved By PRashant Mali ( you all don’t even know these crimes happened. Still, they are all time mystery and go in history of Cyber Crimes with accolades. February 2008- Supermarket Sec ..
Most of us and the companies approach Banks and Financial Institutions for loans. The reason for the loan may differ from person to person and company to company. All Banks should function in accordance with the guidelines/norms issued by th ..
Rights Of Senior Citizen : Need Of The HourBy despising all that has preceded us,We teach others to despise our selfAgeing is a natural process, which inevitably occurs in human life cycle. It brings with a host of challenges in the life of the elder ..