Television show lawyers speak a lot about "circumstantial evidence". "Circumstantial evidence" however is not so much a type of evidence as it is alogical principle of deduction. Deduction is reasoning from general known principl ..
The expression "the record of the case" is used in S. 227 of the Code. Though the word "case" is not defined in the Code but S. 209 throws light on the interpretation to be placed on the word. Section 209 which deals with the comm ..
Is ‘Rape’ merely a word described in section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, to be interpreted stricto senso? Or is it a psychological phenomenon to be understood and dealt with, with more empathy and less legality? What is the scope ..
According to the Indian Penal Code, 1860, a man is said to have committed `rape’ when he has had sexual intercourse with a woman under these conditions :a. Against her will b. With her consent when her consent has been obtained by putting her ..
(A) Planning Ahead: What is the Witness’ Role?1. The Theme of the Case.2. The Order of Witnesses3. What witness says(B) Preparing the Witness. 1. Prior Testimony.2. Current Testimony.3. The Use of Documents to Refresh Recollection.4. The Cross ..
1. Outline. The questions should be written in the lingo of the ear, not the eye. There needs to be a trial book maintained whose help needs to be taken. The entire process must look impressive and spontaneous to some extent. Maintaining eye contact ..
The Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 is enacted by Parliament to fall in line with the “uncitral model law on international commercial arbitration”, adopted by the UN in 1985, which recommended that all countries give due conside ..
Islam, unlike other religions is a strong advocate of marriage. There is no place of celibacy in Islam like the Roman Catholic priests & nuns. The Prophet has said “There is no Celibacy in Islam”.Marriage acts as an outlet for sexual ..
"Criminal prosecution of Company - Changing judicial views": The Full Bench of the Delhi High Court in Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. J. B. Bottling Company, (1975) Cri LJ 1148 and the Full Bench of the Allahabad High Court in Oswal Van ..
Section 163-A was inserted in the Act to provide for payment of compensation in motor accident cases in accordance with the Second Schedule providing for the structured formula which may be amended by the Central Govt. from time to time. S. 140 of th ..