International Tax is a field where the taxing jurisdiction of two countries is involved. Tax is a sovereign issue and every state has its right to tax its residents but when there is taxing of the same property or person by two different states then ..
Copyright is a form of intellectual property which gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation; after which time the work is said t ..
We are frequently consulted for quashment of criminal proceedings on the ground that a civil proceeding for same cause of action is already pending. This hapens often in matters relating to transfer of property and money transactions. the question a ..
Visa FeesApplicants must bring two demand drafts with them: one draft for the application fee and second draft for the issuance fee. All fees must be paid via demand drafts drawn in favor of the "American Embassy, New Delhi." Drafts shoul ..
PROMOTE DOMESTIC AND FAMILY HARMONY DISCOURAGE MISUSE OF FORM AND PROTECTION LAWS SAVE INDIAN FAMILY Woman protection (gender-biased) laws in India are being grossly misused causing the drastic increase in matrimonial and domestic disharmony. The ra ..
Section 304B of the Penal Code has the following ingredients: (i) The death of a woman must have been caused by burns or bodily injury or otherwise than under normal circumstances; (ii) Such death must have occur ..
''whether status of parents should be considered while awarding compensation on account of accidental death of minor children ?'' The supreme court in Civil Appeal no 3608/2009, R.K.Malik and Anr v. Kiran Pal and Ors., decided on 15/5/2009, had occas ..
On 15/05/2009 the supreme court in civil appeal no 3608/2009 had occasion to consider ''whether status of parents should be considered while awarding compensation on account of accidental death of minor children ?''In this case, children of claimants ..
JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT The Supreme Court has original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. Its exclusive original jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or more States or between the Government of Indi ..
High Court in India, Powers under Indian Constitution, High Courts subordinate to Supreme Court in India, Appointment of Chief Justice of High Courts in India, Advocate Generals and Lok Adalats in India. ..