In the evolution of human rights, the child is relatively a late entrant. The Convention on Rights of Child was signed only in 1989. It has been ratified by 192 countries except Somalia and the United States. The late action on child rights is a sad ..
PROOF DOCUMENTS; Private Documents: Sec 75 of the Evidence Act defines private documents, as all documents other than public documents.When in a case private documents are produced as evidence by the parties the burden lies on the parties to prove ..
The Supreme Court on 6 may,2009 held that a girlfriend is not relative, therefore she can't be prosecuted for dowry or cruelty u/s 498-A, IPCIn criminal Appeal no.938/2009,U Suvetha v. State, the supreme court had occasion to consider as to whether ..
As the saying goes, laughter is the best form of medicine. And, now researchers have claimed that just 30 minutes of guffaw a day is adequate to keep your heart healthy.A new study by Loma Linda University has revealed that watching half-an-hour of c ..
Defamation may be by words, either spoken or intended to be read, or by signs or visible representation. Any person who makes or publishes any imputation concerning any person, knowing or having reason to believe that such imputation will harm, the r ..
FOREIGN AWARD - has been defined to mean an award on differences between persons arising out of legal relationships, whether contractual or not and considered as commercial under the law in force in India, and made in pursuance of an agreement in wri ..
The history of labour struggle is nothing but a continuous demand for a fair return to labour expressed in varied forms i.e. (a ) Increase in wages, (b) Resistance to decrease in wages, and (c) grant of allowances and benefits etc. If a labourer want ..
The religious conversion into Islam by a person from non Islamic faith is not valid if the conversion is done for the purpose of polygamy. Neither Islam nor the law recognizing any such conversion in India. In the case of Sarla Mudgal vs Union of Ind ..
1. Outline. The questions should be written in the lingo of the ear, not the eye. There needs to be a trial book maintained whose help needs to be taken. The entire process must look impressive and spontaneous to some extent. Maintaining eye contact ..
Firstly, Increase in litigation-people now days are in a habit of dragging their point of grievances to the court of law, which rather can be solved outside the purview of the court. Secondly, non-adherence with the code properly by the judges and th ..