Mother is the only person to look the welfare of the child.It is decided in the reported case. ILR 2003 KAR p.No. 4431.Hindu marriage Act,1955-sec26-Hindu Minority and guardianship act 1956-sec 6- custody of the child-Both husband and wife claiming c ..
It is reported very good judgement.Insurance-contract of Insurance -Life insurance policy clause-4 Non forefeiture regulations challenge to the constitutional validity of forefeiture of the premium amount pid by discontinued policy holders-action of ..
A private Company can be formed either by i. incorporation of a new company for doing a new business , orii. conversion of existing business of a sole proprietory concern or partnership firm into a company.A sole proprietory or partnership business c ..
Income from House property1. What do you mean by Income from House Property?Unlike the other heads of income, Income from house property is a notional income based on a concept called Annual value . This is the value a property is expected to fetch i ..
Bar of Indian Lawyers vs. D. K. Gandhi (Supreme Court)The State Commission, Delhi, held that services rendered by a Lawyer would not come within the ambit of s. 2(1)(o) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, as the client executes the power of attorne ..
PF:1. The Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 19522. The Employees Family Pension Scheme, 19713. The Employees Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976Calculations: P.F from BasicEmployee: 12% (P.F)Employer: 3.67% Provident Fund (A/c 1) + 8.33% Pension (A/ ..
Rights and duties of an advocate; Rights of advocates; Duties of Advocates; Right to practice, Duties while practicing ..
Code of EthicsCHAPTER-1: INTRODUCTIONAs professionals in the field of Cost and Management Accounting, the members of our Institute are bound by a code of professional ethics. This code stipulates and binds them to the highest level of care, duty and ..
Hira Lal and Others vs State of Uttar Pradesh and Others [SUPREME COURT OF INDIA, 08 Apr 2009]Criminal - IPC,1860, ss. 420, 462, 467, 468 and 471 - CrPC, 1973, s. 482 - Appellants and respondent No.3 (complainant) are co-sharers - Land dispute betwee ..
The Environment Protection Act provides for protection and improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith. The United Nations conference on human environment, held in Stockholm in June 1972, proclaimed that " Man is both creator and m ..