PARLIAMENT OF INDIA RAJYA SABHA COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOURTH REPORT on the petition praying for enactment of a comprehensive legislation for unorganized workers and effecting suitable amendments in the existing enactments to ..
Article 1: The British government transfers and makes over, forever, independent possession, to Maharaja Gulab Singh, and the heirs male of his body, all the hilly or mountainous country, with its dependencies, situated to the eastward of the river I ..
Lord Judge says lawyers don't want to become judges because of an 'old-fashioned' image problem Lawyers do not want to become High Court judges because they are seen as old-fashioned and 'fustian', according to the country's top judge, Lord Judge. B ..
Article 12: Scope As Expanded By JudiciaryThe Constitution of India has defined the word ‘State’ for the purpose of Part –III and Part – IV .In State of West Bengal v/s Subodh Gopal Bose , the Supreme Court observed that the ..
The concept of writ essentially originated in England & to issue appropriate writ was always considered to be a prerogative of the crown. One of such important prerogative writs originated in England is known as the writ of habeas corpus.The wri ..
MAHESH KAPASI & CO E-Mail: maheshkapasi49@gmail.comChartered Accountants Phone: 2686 8147B-49, Gulmohar Park, ..
There are several documents which are not compulsorily registerable under Section 17 of the Registration Act.. Some of them require high stamp duty under the Karnataka Stamp Act and some of them do not. Even the ones which require high stamp duty, i ..
Police-Rank- Badge Article 246 of the constitution allots the police force as state subject. The structure and administration of the state police force is controlled by State government according to Police act. Head of the police force in each stat ..
Tejashree M. Dusane & Abhaysingh K. Bhosale JUDICIAL ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE HIGHER JUDICIARY An Overview ..
The number of companies in India has rise tremendously due to various reason primarily being industrial revolution and the implementation of 5 yr plans. According to an estimate there were 30,000 companies in 1956 but now they are close to 7 lakhs. I ..