Constitution of India - a Bold ExperimentOur constitution is not a novel formation of the constituent assembly, the various parts of the constitution has been derived from the working constitutions of other nations. As we know the fundamental rights ..
Sec 498A of the Indian Penal Code a weapon in the hands of vamps Introduction Objective: The Indian Penal Code, 1860 was amended in the year 1983 to include the provisions of Section 498 A which deals with the punishment of the husband and his relati ..
IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI FAO(OS)356/2008 and CM No.11752/2008 # PFIZER ENTERPRISES SARL .?Appellant through ! Mr. Saikrishan Rajgopal with Mr. Sidharth Chopra and Mr. Saurabh Srivas ..
Cyber Crimes, Space and so Forth -a Concept of Cyber LawsCyber law is a generic term, which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and the World Wide Web. This cyber law governs a boundless, timeless, space less, medium which has ..
The government has at last — after the country and its people have paid a heavy price — come up with a proposal to constitute a National Investigation Agency (NIA) and given more teeth to anti-terror laws. The NIA is “to investigate ..
Patent – Discussion and SuggestionsThis is the article contains some valuable doubts and answers for those doubts about Patent and related with Intellectual Properties. This article looks like the open discussion about the Patent and patenting the ne ..
A BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF PATENT LAW IN INDIABy Suwarn Rajan, Advocate & Patent Agent, Managing Partner, CARE INTEL ..
FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND WTO : Measures against expropriationVijay Purohit & Manish K. Kanth INTRODUCTION Foreign investment has become a burning issue today. World economy is going through a transition phase. Companies all over the world are in se ..
WANNA MAKE A DEAL? THE INTRODUCTION OF PLEA-BARGAINING IN INDIABy Sulabh Rewari* and Tanya Aggarwal*Cite as : (2006) 2 SCC (Cri) J-12When one’s own legal system flounders, one naturally looks towards practices in other countries which seem to provide ..
Dowry laws: Loopholes & Possibilities of misuse…There is hardly any other malady of greater magnitude, which the society is facing today than the curse of dowry demand and dowry death. It is commonly talked of in the society that the newly married wi ..