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Lawyersclubindia Articles

Can Murder in any circumstance be treated as an Accident

  R. Brizmohan Singh   16 March 2008 at 15:42

CAN MURDER BE TREATED AS AN ACCIDENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERSONAL ACCIDENTS INSURANCE POLICY.By R. Brizmohan SinghAdvocate The one and the only point involved in the above captioned topic is as to whether Murder is an Accident or not?THE TERMS AND CON ..

Posted in Corporate Law |   5463 Views

Basic Principles of Income Tax Law

  Prakash Yedhula   13 March 2008 at 15:58

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF INCOME-TAX LAWBy: Justice R.K.Abichandani1.Constitutional Provisions : The Constitution of India vests the Parliament with plenary legislative powers to impose taxes on matters specifically enumerated in the Union List and all the ..

Posted in Taxation |   6246 Views


  Prakash Yedhula   13 March 2008 at 15:28

LEGAL AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM - A NEW LOOKA BIT OF LOUD THINKINGBy P.P. RaoThe flag of the Indian Judiciary has been flying high commanding respect in and outside the country. Bold and innovative landmarks in the evolution of law like Kesavananda Bharati ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   3055 Views


  saksham bharadwaj   12 March 2008 at 17:45

LEGAL MAXIMS (R--Z)Repondez s’il vous plait (Fr) => (abbr RSVP) a reply will obligeRes judicata (L) => a case already decidedSine die (L) => indefinitelySub judice (L) => under considerationTempus fugit (L) => time pliesUltra vires (L) => beyond one ..

Posted in Others |   3119 Views

Discretion- Root Cause of Corruption

  Rajesh Kumar   12 March 2008 at 17:45

Discretion: Root cause of Corruption RAJESH KUMAR, ADVOCATE Corruption is part and parcel of our life. A common person is faced with this problem, almost everytime he approaches Public authorities for any permission, exemption or for any other pub ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   3150 Views


  Rajendran Nallusamy   12 March 2008 at 14:22

PARADOXES TO BE RESOLVED–– PROVIDENT FUND FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS–– P R Swarup, Director General, CIDCProviding Social Security to the citizens, specially to those, who contribute to the growth and development of the National Economy, is one of the ..

Posted in Labour & Service Law |   6681 Views

Assessment of Footwear in Central Excise

  Rajesh Kumar   11 March 2008 at 23:25

ASSESSMENT OF FOOTWEARS IN CENTRAL EXCISE:1. Footwear falls in Chapter 64 of the Central Excise Tariff and attracts a tariff rate of duty of 14% ad velorem. Vide Notification No. 5/2006 dated 01.03.2006, as amended, serial no. 5, the effective ra ..

Posted in Taxation |   6711 Views

Model of Sale Deed

  veenzar   11 March 2008 at 16:22

This deed of sale is executed on this ………….. day of …………… 19 by Sri/Smt……………. S/o/W/o……………… Occupation…………….. Aged……………….. years, residing at ………………………… ,…………..(Principal), represented by his agent Sri……………………………………… S/o ……………………… ,………………….Occupation ..

Posted in Legal Documents |   6041 Views

Who is Liable to Pay Income Tax

  Prakash Yedhula   08 March 2008 at 22:47

Under Income Tax act, Income tax is payable by every assessee at the rates fixed by the Financial Act every year. Every person who is deemed to be an assessee under any provision under Income Tax Act. ..

Posted in Taxation |   4731 Views

Legal Maxims - II

  saksham bharadwaj   08 March 2008 at 19:45

LEGAL MAXIMS (C--G)Cachinnus (L) => a loud laughCachot (Fr) => dungeonCadit quoestio (L) => the question dropsCave quid dicis, quandoe, e cui (L) => beware what you say, where and to whomCentum (L) => a hundredCharmante (Fr) => a c ..

Posted in Others |   2899 Views