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Lawyersclubindia Articles

Withdrawal Of The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019

  Kavya Sri   11 August 2022 at 11:47

The Government of India has retreated the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 from Lok Sabha and stated that it would roll out “contemporary digital privacy laws” to suit the “comprehensive legal framework” and to regulate onl ..

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Laws Regarding Obscenity In India

  Arundhathi   11 August 2022 at 11:47

Key takeaways The first prominent case on obscenity that still stands to this day as a reference point on the topic is, Ranjit D Udeshi vs State of Maharashtra [1965 AIR 881]. It was against the publication of D.H Lawrence’s book ‘Lady Ch ..

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History And Development Of Arbitration Law In India

  shraddha Easwaran   10 August 2022 at 11:13

KEY TAKEAWAYS Arbitration requires no introduction in the contemporary era of dispute settlement. It has successfully replaced litigation as the favored method of resolving commercial disputes and has become synonymous with dispute resolution for com ..

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Writ Jurisdiction Of Supreme Court With Relevant Judgements

  Arundhathi   10 August 2022 at 11:13

Key takeaways The Supreme Court is given powers to issue writs for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, under Article 32 of the Constitution. Habeas corpus is issued by the Supreme Court in order to question the legality of the detention of any ind ..

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Judicial Review In India

  Arundhathi   10 August 2022 at 11:13

Key Takeaways The Doctrine of Judicial Review originated in USA. It comes under various articles of the Indian Constitution. Judicial Review plays a key role in upholding the supremacy of the Constitution, preventing misuse of power by the Legislatur ..

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The Family Court Bill Amendment 2022 Explained

  shraddha Easwaran   09 August 2022 at 11:49

KEY TAKEAWAYS The Family Courts Act of 1984 is modified by the Family Courts (Amendment) Bill of 2022. State governments may create Family Courts under the Act. Dates for the Act's implementation in various states may be announced by the federa ..

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FIASCO Of The National Herald: A Case Study

  Kavya Sri   08 August 2022 at 11:13

Political vendetta used as a reason to cover money laundering and evasion from cases.Key takeaways The once renowned national magazine lost its popularity when Congress used it as its mouthpiece. Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi acquire AJL through thei ..

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Denial Of Speedy Trial Infringes Fundamental Right Under Article 21, May Be A Ground For Grant Of Bail: Delhi HC

  Adv. Sanjeev Sirohi   08 August 2022 at 09:30

While upholding the paramount importance pertaining to the dire need to hold speedy trial and most commendably linking it as an inseparable part of the fundamental rights under Article 21 of our Constitution which talks about the right to life and pe ..

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Evolution Of Local Self-Government In India

  Arundhathi   05 August 2022 at 10:32

“When the panchayati raj is established, public opinion will do what violence can never do" - Mahatma GandhiKey Takeaways The Panchayati Raj form of government is mentioned in Article 40 under the Directive Principles of State Policy of ou ..

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Compensation For Wrongful Prosecution And Incarceration

  Anila Sabu   04 August 2022 at 14:37

Key Takeaways A person who has been wrongly arrested is entitled to a pitiful compensation of INR 100 under Section 358 of the CrPC (1973). In its 277th Report (2018), the Law Commission stated that "the current remedies simply generate an ex-gr ..

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