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The Top Secret of Confidence

Last updated: 08 February 2009
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 The Top Secret of Confidence         
                                                                                     : By Yogesh
Whatever you want to achieve in your life whether it’s money. Success, relationship, your goal or dream it takes confidence to get anything in life.
Let us start with why you have confidence in others. You have experienced they do what they say. So you trust others or you have utmost confidence in them. You have more confidence about people who always keep their words.
But if someone doesn’t keep his promise you won’t trust him/her and you can not have confidence in that person.
So you have confidence in others because they do what they say.
How you can develop your confidence
Ask yourself do you really keep your promise to yourself
  1. You tell yourself you will get up early in the morning. Do you really get up.?
  1. You tell yourself you will workout or exercise in the morning. Do you really work out?
  1. When you tell yourself you will call of your friend today. Do you really make a call?
  1. You tell yourself you will listen your favorite song today. Do you really listen? 
  1. You tell your self, you will study for two hours today. Do you really study for 2 hours?
When you don’t keep these small promises to yourself, will you be having more trust/confidence in yourself/least confidence? Can you make big promises with yourself?
Will you think of taking big challenges in life when you can’t keep small promises?
My point is when you start keeping your promises to yourself you will have more trust or confidence in you; everyday it will increase. You can take yourself to the supreme level of confidence, which is the first key to achieve anything if life.
And if you don’t have confidence in yourself how can you expect others to have confidence in you? If you don’t keep your promises to yourself, why should other expect you to keep your promise to them?
So the prominent key to confidence is promise keeping. Now it’s up to you, you can start building yourself confidence right from this moment or wait/ struggle your whole life that someday an angle will come & pour confidence in you and that will never happen.
Take one of the best decision of your life today, first start keeping all promises with yourself and then with others and start building your confidence today itself.
P.S: No idea can change your life; only action on idea can change your life.
P.P.S: Are you looking for growth in your career or have you taken the decision to achieve your goals/dreams; we help you to achieve your goal faster with following programmes
  1. Soft skill development / Personality development programme
  2. Crash course on interview preparation
  3. English speaking classes
  4. Corporate training programme
Should you have any query / concern / questions on above or you need my help in relation to communication, confidence or any other soft skill you can reach me at or visit our website
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