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adv. rajeev ( rajoo )'s Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 7716

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    I can answer any type of questions relating to civil, criminal, consumer, and other laws

    My area of expertise
    income tax, company law, civil cases, accounts, criminal, labour,accident cases,

    My experience in the area (years):

    Organizations I belong to:
    self employed

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:

    Award & Honors:

  • Mubarak says : BANK FREEZE
    Sorry for my bad english My account got freezed by karnataka police for a transaction linked to a cybercrime which im not part of. i live in kerala. the order copy i got from the bank says the freeze is under sec crpc 91, which is not sustainable in the eyes of law as per Uttarakhand HC's latest judgment. so my question is in which court should i file a case to get defreezing order. 1. my district consumer court against bank 2. hc in kerala against bank 3. court in karnataka against police

  • BALA RAJU says : Please clarify me difference between Two survey nu
    Dear sir I have purchased a site in 2018, when I purchased the site the survey number shows 875/2 and all link docs shows same survey no, after that I applied G+1 plan for construction the house, here the plan and proceeding show the Survey no 875/2A&2B kindly clarify me the difference between the both survey numbers which is 875/2 and 875/2A& 2B It's very urgent to me and very important to me

  • aarush says : Please answer!!!
    Hello sir...sir I am a student of LLB 1st year and I want to become a tax advocate can I grow myself as a tax advocate ....mujhe kis k pass( senior advocate ya CA ) k pass baithna chahyeh for internship....and my second question is that everyone said k now their is no future for Tax advocate ...people only prefer CA for tax work......if you become tax advocate you only do one or two small task ....that's why i got confused and ask this question from expert like you....please answer !!!

  • aarush says : Please answer!!!
    Sir currently I am in II year of LLB and I want to become tax how can I start my practise ( first to do internship with senior tax advocate or with CA) and also I want to say that many people said most of the tax market is covered by CA so their is no scope of tax that right...? If wrong....please answer that type of work perform by tax advocate and how fresher tax advocate make career in it...please answer..

  • Santishkumar says : Query
    Sir,if under 226(3) recovery is made with interst,can after 6 year new Ito ask for more interest on account of mistake in calculation of interest by previous ITO? Read more at:

Comment Please


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