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  • Annie Sibi Babu says : property
    is there any way of finding out if property written in a person's name has been written in his or her siblings name with out the person's knowledge via an investigation? what is the proceedure?

  • Annie Sibi Babu says : how to catch a cheat who married
    how to catch a cheat who married and made is wife take a huge loan and later his plan was to kill her. He had other wives in the past and also has a criminal record but no one can find out because he uses his black magic power to hide his faults and walks like a decent man in the society? but he is a number one fraud.

    I am glad to know that such advocates are here for legal help to public PRASHANT PANDEY ADVOCATE HIGH COURT ALLAHABAD 9451851064

  • jollysainipentalia says : quashing in high court
    sir plz tell guide me about the procedure of quashing in high court .both parties have to appear in court or only documents have to produce in the court ,or summons or notice will issue to next party how much time it will take

  • umar khan says : Thane crime offenses wing Sec 420, 470/09
    Thane crime offenses wing Sec 420, 470/09 Seven Eight Six Sales & Service company name Owner Name Abdullah Valliuahha Khan He had all the faurd we are only relative please helps he had stared a company invest Rs. 6000/- and get in 3 month Rs. 30,000/- in every 15 day's first cheque Rs. 680/- second Rs. 1360/- Thrid Rs. 2720/- Fourth Rs. 5440/- Fiveth Rs. 7800/- Sixth Rs. 12000/- Starting 2 month i work with him since 25 may to july ending and he is in my close relative (Uncle) (Mama) and also 2 or 3 people with me when i left the company by hiring all this fraud and i scared i lifted the company after i lifted the company Shabana Shaikh name one lady had came hand handle all the administrative till 11 november after that abdullah runway at 9th or 10th he(abdullah v. khan) had taken a big meeting in hall call the all candidate there and {may prashan ho i do'nt have money i will arrange all of you the u r principle amount on 20th} and he run way from there and after that he is not coming in office people are get scared and doubt to him he is runway people wait and watch till 20th november after one lady name Shenaz Salim darvashi came front with shes 2 sister Nazma and Moni shes one had invest invest 320000/- in a company he had done a F.I.R. First Information Report in Name of (1) Ashanullah Khan [he's total life is gone in kuwait has a driver he only come for a month meet his family] (2) Sikandar Ashanullah Khan [he is completed his graduated gone a kuwait with is father he also came with same date with his father] (3) Mallika Valliullah Khan age (75+) [abdullah mummy she did not what happening] (4) Shainaz Banoo Mustafa Khan age (50+) [abdullah sister she did not konw what is happening she had seen also where is the office stable and who is work are going] and the (5) Name Umar Mustafa Khan [Starting 2 month i work with him since 25 may to july ending and he is in my close relative (Uncle) (Mama) and also 2 or 3 people with me when i left the company by hiring all this fraud and i scared i lifted the company] last and important very important that my brother (6) yasin Mustafa Khan he is in a thane jail know i am worried about him only he is done work there as peon bring a tea, snack etc. and the crime economic offences wing are tell is a partner and other story are we meet and tell full story about please guid me sir how work in law Sir what happen my Advocate (Ashish Parab) told first come on 18th January for a anticipatory bail so we all go to the thane court on that day advocate took all three four time signature and in wakalat nama also he took the signature and he told to us you all of them should have stand in a court in front of the hon'rable judge so we all accept that and touch in the court on 18th jan. judge again had given the date of 21 jan. then adv. had told to us we all of them to touch on 21st jan.2.30 p.m. Now then again we all touch on the 21 jan. we meet the advocate we all go in court stand in front of hornable judge then again judge had given the date of 25th jan. NOW WHAT HAPPEN we all are coming out from the court there the court main gate complinar already standing and waiting for when we are coming out he make the filinding with three four court police and some boy's with him he catch the my younger brother Yasin Mustafa Khan and give slap in his face and scramming he is a chor 420 public lotera bla bla bla.. and giving the bad words also and that a time we all also there we all came out from the back side of the court because of we do'not know front side gate after some time mean 15 to 20 min... we not find Yasin where he is so we had call in his cell phone so he told all the deatil of complinar had done about him so we suddenly call the advocate. Advocate is tell nothing will happen i am coming 5 to 10 min a that time complinar (hamid S. Darvashi) had call the crime economic wing API Patil. API patil arrest the yasin and went to the economic wing I send my dady (Mustafa Khan) to in a Economic wing with a advocate to tell the ecomic wing the anti. bail application had register court had given to a date of 25th jan but CID are not listen the advocate they told to him bring Umar Khan and Shenaz Bano and all other who are name in F.I.R. on that day we d'not do anything we all reach the home on then second day mean 22nd jan Economic wing (CID) they took Yasin in a thane court ask about P.C. Ploice Custody they take 2 day P.C. mean 24th Jan. sunday now he took a court but in another court boohiwada dadar holiday court there he taken 3 day P.C. 27th january and here 25 January our advocate get the anticiptory bail application till a date 10feb final hiring that paper we take go to the crime branch and told to them leave yasin we have yasin anti. bail they people are saying we are attack first yasin leave from in jamanat in court and shoutting to my dady why u r going to anticipitory bail option bring all of them here take 2 day PC and give the jamanat and relief from here after this all happen on 27th jan. again crime branch bring to in a court 27th jan. judge shaikh madam give yasin to MCR (Thane Jail) then our Advocate ask for jammendar we have all the paper but we do not have the ration card. Ration card get miss place we have ration slip. but court will not accept without ration card be try 8-9 relative to take jammen some do not have paper proper some do not have home tax slip proper this matter also gone on second day that mean 28th jan. Now 28th jan with my advocate i gone to a court there we know a new story yasin get bail from the sesion court go there and apply we go to the session court and apply there session court given date of 2 feb. now we again go in a court on 2 feb. there we now the crime branch is not send a C. A. that is why we get another date 10 feb. now we go on 10 feb. here again C. A. is not come from the crime branch judge had told to P.P. bring the 20th feb otherwise i will give the hiring on 20 feb now i am waiting for 20th feb. Here what I (umar khan) am doing on 27th jan i go to the economic wing meet the API Patil his writer Kabare he take roughly statement in a paper and told me come tomarrow i will take final statement in a computer and ask me about abdullah and his family and second day he took my statement and now he know all the thing. But he is tell may tere relative thodi ho.. jo may teri help karo tu bade saab ke bare may souch kuj la kay de then i ask him what to bring he told understand your own see the gravity of case 420,470,34 IPC and 6 Kalam is there I will but in jail in this case 10 year so u thing about 10 year jail and arrange I ask him again i donot know about police this my first time sir please talk to me open what u want again he is telling thing you from your own and give to big sir i do'not have money that's why keep quite when he ask kay re kay ki ya bade sabe kay li ye at that time sir you do not tell the axed amount so how can bring I want time to arrange and i also the investment the Seven Eight Six Sales and Service 2,20,000 by keeping my mummy jewellery and my payment and some took from my friend and some of my friend also invest here that is why i cant arrange the amount to whom i will take (hudar) so please tell me the amount i will arrange for you again he telling main nahi bolunga tu apane se kar and now what to do ? i donot know ......

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