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K.S.Srinivas's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 2839

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    I can answer on employees service matters and labour laws etc.

    My area of expertise
    Management consltancy

    My experience in the area (years):
    Human Resource Management - 32 years.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Transmission corporation of andhra pradesh limited (APTRANSCO)i.e., erstwhile APSEB.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :
    written hand book on service matters printed by Assistant Engineers Association of APTRANSCO. Also updated the books on service regulations, leave regulations, conduct, discipline and appeal regulations of APTRANSCO.

    Educational credentials:
    B.Sc., MBA (HRM)., & LLB.

    Award & Honors:
    Best employee award by APTRANSCO. Got 5th rank in india by getting 95% marks on RTI Act 2005 examination conducted by Centre for Good Governence, Gov. of AP in collaboratin with DOPT, GOI, New Delhi.

  • Sathish says : Planting Mango trees near the property border line
    Dear Sir, Last week, my neighbor has planted two mango tree saplings along the border line of compound wall. We fear that if the tree grows, it will damage the compound wall besides nuisance of dropping leaves and branches and block sunlight. Can you please help us and guide us on what are the laws available to protect one from neighbors planting trees along the border line. Which authority to be approached under what legal provisions for the remedy of this please. regards,

  • Member (Account Deleted) says :
    respected, if a person who is not married only had sex chat with a married girl with her consent on a social networking site. and they both never met. and the chat was only for 2 days is this any offence committed by that boy?if her husband finds that chat can it be any harm to that boy? who never met her.

  • DR SURESHA G says : Property Issue
    Dear Sirs I have a quiery . I will appreciate if the club members give their valuable opinion . My meternal Grand father is Late H Sanna Somappa Died in March 1975 My Grand Mother is Late Gangamma Died in June 1997 They have 10 childrens 1.H S Hanumanthappa -Died in March 1985 at the age of 52 years -Married 1955 2. H S Parvathamma Alive - with 3 Childrens age 72 years as of 2015-Married 1956 3. H S Revanasiddappa Died in 2004 at the age of 62 years - 3 Childrens (1 Expired ) -Married in 1966 4. H S Nagarajappa Died in 1996 at the age of 51 years - 5 Childrens Married in 1966 5.H S Jayamma Died in 2012 at the age of 66 years -5 Childrens (1 expired ) Married in 1959 6 H S Heggappa Died in 2006 at the age of 59 years -5 Childrens Married in 1968 7. H S Sharadamma Died in 2009 at the age of 60 years -4 Childrens Married in 1966 8. H S Bharamakka Alive age 64 years -3 Childrens Married in 1966 9. H S Rathnamma Alive age 63 years -2 Childrens Married in 1970 10 H S Gangamalamma Alive age 61 years -4 Childrens Married in 1975 Late H Sanna Somappa had property as follows 1.56 Acres of Irrigated land in Hale Kunduvada Davanagere City Carporation . Which is worth of 56 Crores as of 2015 property value 2. Khana Koppalu in Hale Kunduvada Davanagere City Carporation . Which is worth of one Crores as of 2015 property value 3. Houses in Hale Kunduvada Davanagere City Carporation . Which is worth of 50 lakhs as of 2015 property value The above three properties are distributed only among 4 male childrens 1,3,4 and 6 in 1980 ignoring the female childrens The legal heirs of 1,3,4 and 6 sold few properties The quiery is Is there any chance of getting shares for 2,5,7,8,9 and 10 Daughters of Late sanna Somappa (The alive and the legal heirs of deceased) If so could you please advise how to approach Awaiting the response from the member friends Dr Suresha s/o Late H S Sharadamma .(7th legal heir of Late Sanna Somappa)

  • Maheswara Rao Meegada says : FIRST ANNUAL INCREMENT
    sir, please clarify whether the first annual increment can be release or not to newly recruited Trainee JAO`s in APEPDCL,in the time scale of 19450-800-----31880.where in the Appointment order condition " the individual shall be on probation for 2 years during which he/she is eligible for minimum of the pay in the time scale of 19450-800-----31880.

  • Prateek says : sir plz write your valueble comment on this Prateek Handa 9027277736

Comment Please


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