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K.S.Srinivas's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 2839

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    I can answer on employees service matters and labour laws etc.

    My area of expertise
    Management consltancy

    My experience in the area (years):
    Human Resource Management - 32 years.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Transmission corporation of andhra pradesh limited (APTRANSCO)i.e., erstwhile APSEB.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :
    written hand book on service matters printed by Assistant Engineers Association of APTRANSCO. Also updated the books on service regulations, leave regulations, conduct, discipline and appeal regulations of APTRANSCO.

    Educational credentials:
    B.Sc., MBA (HRM)., & LLB.

    Award & Honors:
    Best employee award by APTRANSCO. Got 5th rank in india by getting 95% marks on RTI Act 2005 examination conducted by Centre for Good Governence, Gov. of AP in collaboratin with DOPT, GOI, New Delhi.

  • Siva says : EPF International Workers
    Hello Sir / Madam, Please clarify any one the following detail: How will calculate the international workers pension fund employer contribution under Employees Provident Fund Act. Eg.1 Wages A/c No 1 1,00,000.00 Wages A/c No 10 6,500.00 Wages A/c No 21 6,500.00 Employee PF A/C No1 12,000.00 Employer PF A/C No10 541.00 Employer PF A/C No1 11,459.00 Employer PF A/C No2 1,100.00 Employer PF A/C No21 32.50 Employer PF A/C No22 0.65 Eg.2 Wages A/c No 1 1,00,000.00 Wages A/c No 10 1,00,000.00 Wages A/c No 21 1,00,000.00 Employee PF A/C No1 12,000.00 Employer PF A/C No10 8,330.00 Employer PF A/C No1 3,670.00 Employer PF A/C No2 1,100.00 Employer PF A/C No21 500.00 Employer PF A/C No22 10.00 Please send me the supporting document or link to Regards, K.Siva Mobile: +91-9884959838

Comment Please


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