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Devajyoti Barman's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 34799

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Questions relating to matrimonial disputes, civil litigations, criminal proceedings, consumer disputes, arbitrations etc can be answered by me but not anything relating to taxations.

    My area of expertise
    civil and criminal cases, arbitration, bail,consumer disputes etc.

    My experience in the area (years):
    Nine years of active court pracice from lower court to High Court.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Apart from individualn practice empanelled lawyer of- ahara Housingfina Corpn.,Kolkata Port Trust, Kolkata Metropolital Development Authority Of Water& Sanitation, FOSMI,Several Solicitor Firms.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:
    BA(Hons), MBA, LL.B

    Award & Honors:
    First Class in Madyamik, Higher Secondary and LL.B.

  • garima says : cr. p. c. 319 dismissed
    Sir, Application under section 319 of Cr.P.C. in 498a case has been dismissed by lower court and sessions court. PW is closed. Is there any chance to prosecution to file appeal against the order of session in high court before decision of case.Pl. Advise

  • deepak kumar says : custody in favour of mother
    sir i want judgement in favour of mother when husband died her son is 8 years old . when child living with their grand parents.

  • Need my son says : Need your help as, how can I get my son back?..
    Dear Sir/Mam, Out of 2.5 years of my marriage my wife spend only 1 year with me approximately and after having a kid she randomly come to my place. When I spoke to her mother even she gets into argument and warns me not to visit her place again. Me and my parents are helpless as we are unable see our son/grandson. Currently she went back to her mother from past 4 Month delaying come back every time date is been postponed. This time she went for her Exam to improve her score for oct.15 repeat exam which is not done yet. I am feeling like she is lying to us and not giving specific and satisfactory answer. Need your help as, how can I get my son back?.. Please revert if you feel to discuss further for full scenario.

  • Smita Verma says : Marital Discord
    Greeting Sir, I am in very much need for your assistance as I am suffering a lot in my my pathetic 2 years of my wedlock. 1. Got married on 14 feb, 2014 in Chandigarh (My MIL and FIL resides) and Hubby lives in Delhi. 2. Thing not working since very first day of my marriage. 3. Husband and his family complete mama’s boy, rich, arrogant, very rude and only son. 4. Took me to London for Honeymoon where only 205 love and 80% ill treatment(Verbal cruelty, insult, say me non-sense ,illiterate, ill-mannered, immature, no dressing sense). 5. He is Sr. manager earning 17 LPA and me in HR in Pvt company earning 20 k PM. 6. Do not pay me anything, even take everything from me also. 7. I fall sick due to his behavirol and mental torture in the month of may 2014 and dignosed with Brain TB(Due to stress, hypertension, malnutrition ) completely curable and Pregnancy. 8. He and his mother visted so many doctors to get the baby aborted but they failed 9. He took me to Fortis for treatment and his parents urged him to leave me home saying she need attention and care , he did the same saying she need care and she full attention. I took 1 month sick leave and mediclaim from my office. 10. He visited me on Sunday till july 27, 2014 but speak only little with me spend 2 hrs with me and then go back, besides this no phone call, no monetary support , no help. 11. All medicine, doctors visits are with my parents. 12. When I joined back office in the month of June 2014 after recovery, I insisted him to take me back home for which he gave me several excuses so that he cannot take me home and I got intention that he will never take me home.i resigned from my job with tha hope to go back to him as he said leave job first but after I stopped working he stopped all means of communication with me and ignored me like anything,no watsapp, no call, no message response . 13. When I messaged him 1000 times he messaged me in very rude manner that don’t disturb me as I don’t want to keep you with me I am fed up of you and much more and I cried a lot and informed parents, so my parents visited him to talk to hi, approached his parents to amicable settlement but no result came, my parents said all will be fine once baby born. 14. In the month of December my baby born and my father informed him and his parents about grand son they came running very next day and even I felt happy that now things will be alright. 15. But still my hubby and In laws didn’t talked to me well and only playing with baby, not concerned for me. 16. Later on feb 13, 2015 my MIL called to inform me that My hubby will come to take me back home so get ready and he will bring me to Chandigarh where his parents live. 17. I happily accepted and packed my bags and my parents were also happy that they are changed and all will be fine now as baby boy born. 18. I spend 3 month again without my hubby in an isolated room with no money, no help in taking care of baby and no support from my hubby. He visited 3 times there in Chandigarh but never talk to me, only formal talks happen between me and him and little of sex. 19. Then again his parents made a prelude to kick me and baby out of there house as am just like burden on them and wanted to get rid of me so they called there son on 29 making wrong allegations against me that I ued to fight and go out late night for walking which were absolutely wrong and called my parents and said to take me back. 20. My parents came, had a long discussion and all thing settled and my father took me on there words for 15 days and after that my hubby will come to take me back. 21. But that was my last time at that house after that they never called , message me, never picked my call. 22. So on day after 20 day uninformed me , with my parents and son went to my hubby house to live there but he made excuses that he is looking for some other house and will take her after some time once shift to other home in 15 days, but that day never came. 23. I messaged him so many time to take me ad 15 day also passed, when no communication so we approached his maternal uncle, his close friend but all our efforts failed , Then again I with my parents went at his home and this time he didn’t allowed to enter his home and when forcefully we manage to get inside he escaped and this was first time I called police and police tried to call him but he didn’t responded. 24. Then with police and neighbour knowledge we get to know that he is in very deep affair with a very affluent lady(40 + years of age) with 3 children and hubby live mostly outside , used to visit him almost every day and night and love each other from 2008, that’s why he don’t wish to keep me and baby and also he cleary mentioned that he will never ever bring me back. All his parents, mamaji anf friend know about it and it was just a so called marriage to bring a maid in the form of DIL to live at parents house in chandigarh and let son enjoy his life life before, they never loved my son and me and only tortured both of us. 25. My hubby is ever partner with that lady in her running business. And my hubby is greedy and lusty. 26. We Complaint in CAW cell Srinivas puri, mediation failed, when time came to file FIR now IO is saying not file any FIR and seems like IO is being compelled to say like this as earlier he was in our favour and even he know that he is wrong everywhere and having deep relation. 27. So kindly advise me what to do , what action can I take to give him a lesson. 28. I don’t want to give him divorce, I want to maintain me and son alone with no money and other things , only old aged parents and 20 k salary even that too am in danger zone and have to leave job as baby need me full time. 29. Kindly suggest what course of action can be taken to get money, shared accommodation or separate house to take care of me and baby.

  • Member (Account Deleted) says : Cancellation of Offer of Appointment
    With regards, my case details are as below:- 1. I was working as an Assistant Grade-III in Food Corporation of India. Meanwhile, I got an “offer of appointment” from Comptroller and Auditor of India, New Delhi for the post of Junior Hindi Translator. In the said offer of appointment, it was clearly mentioned that I have to report AG, Nagpur Office with NOC and proper relieving order from my current employer. Accordingly, I resigned from FCI after serving two months notice period and one month salary in lieu of the remaining notice period. 2. After being relieved from FCI on 28.11.2015, I reported on 30.11.2015 at AG, Nagpur office. But AG, Nagpur started raising questions about my eligibility qualification and didn’t let me allow to join. I submitted a representation with due acknowledgment on 02.12.2015 which has not been replied until today i.e 14.12.2015. They say that the representation has been forwarded to CAG, New Delhi and they will inform me about the outcome as soon as they get a reply but refused to give me this in writing. 3. It is worth mentioning that I appeared in two exams and an interview conducted by SSC for the said post. At the time of interview, all the certificates were to be presented for verification and I did the same. Hence, after these exams I was nominated to CAG for further process. My antecedents were verified before issuing me an offer of appointment. 4. My contention is that they should have duly verified everything before issuing me an offer of appointment since I resigned from FCI just because I was ensured for this job. 5. I am eligible as per the Eligibility Qualification desired in the advertisement released by SSC but not as per the Gazette shown by CAG Department to me. III. Educational Qualifications: A. For Junior Hindi Translators (in Subordinate Offices): (i) Masters Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in English/ Hindi with Hindi/ English as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level or (ii) Bachelor’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with Hindi and English as main subjects (which includes the term compulsory and elective). Note: (i) Those candidates who have passed B.A (Hons) in English/Hindi with Hindi/English as subsidiary/(Modern Indian Language) MIL subject are eligible for the post of Junior Hindi Translators (ii) Candidate must ensure that they have studied English and Hindi as main subjects and not as a paper in all three years of BA Pass course. Please refer Note (i). I have passed B.A (Hons) in English with Hindi as a Qualifying Subject. I believe that Qualifying Subject comes in the Category of Subsidiary Subject. Hence, I am eligible as per the advertisement. (Although, they have not raised this issue yet. They are insisting on the eligibility mentioned in Gazette. I have shared this information with your good self for information and suggestion.) Secondly, even If I am ineligible as per SSC or CAG, Am I entitled for a job because negligence is on their part? I didn’t know this complication from the very beginning. I resigned only after receiving an offer of appointment and accepted it. Please guide me for further course of action. How should I approach court of law in my case? What is the possibility of getting my previous job or the job offered at CAG? Please let me know about your fee structure also, if there is a solution of my issue in the court of law. Thanks and regards.   Please provide following information under RTI Act 2005:- 1.Can a candidate be denied Appointment Letter from a department to which he has been nominated through Staff Selection Commission even if he fulfills all the conditions as mentioned in the Advertisement released by Staff Selection Commission, please provide supporting documents. 2.Within how many days a candidate is to be issued Appointment Letter after his reporting for duty in a department after acceptance of offer of appointment 3. What governs the rules of eligibility qualification of a candidate if he has been selected through Staff Selection Commission, is it the desired Eligibility Qualification as cited in the advertisement or the model recruitment rules as notified in the particular Departments Gazette, please provide supporting documents. 4. What is the appropriate authority to be approached if a department denies Appointment Letter after acceptance of offer of appointment though the candidate fulfills all the requirements mentioned in the Advertisement released by Staff Selection Commission,please provide supporting documents. 5. Can a department return dossiers of a candidate to Staff Selection Commission citing that the Eligibility Qualification is not as per the model recruitment rules of that particular department although the candidate fulfills the Eligibility Qualfication requirement desired in the Advertisement released by SSC. Thanks & Regards, Rahul Kumar Mob-9540999131 Delhi.

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