Rti - reg
(Querist) 06 February 2015
This query is : Resolved
Sir, I want to know whether I can ask for the following information through RTI.
1. Monthly stipend paid to each post graduate (Full-time) medical student in the Department of Medicine during the academic periods 2004-05 and 2005-06.
2. The names of the beneficiaries who had availed stipend from the Department of Medicine during the academic periods 2004-05 and 2005-06.
Thank you very much for the Help.
(Expert) 06 February 2015
yes. you may make an application for information under RTI. if the authorities give you reply with xerox enclosures, in such case you have to pay Rs.2/- for each page under RTI
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 07 February 2015
If the institution is not private concern, information can be sought.
(Expert) 07 February 2015
No doubt you can seek information for such questions -Delhi High court decision - Pararshitha vs union of India.
S.Sankarasubramanian, Advocate,
Madras High Court, Madurai Bench
Madurai 625003.
cell: 9444332482/9245879732
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 11 February 2015
It is repeated query. Properly addressed when it is posted first time. Why are you approaching again and again?
(Querist) 13 February 2015
Thank you very much for removing my doubt. I have submitted my RTI after the assurance from you.
Regarding the repetition of the query, I have not re-posted my query. May be there can be some technical problem in the site.