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Mahendra Kumar (mahi)   19 October 2019

शादीशुदा लड़की के बच्चों का अधिकार

जैसे एक लड़की की शादी हो गयी फ़िर बच्चे हो गए. उसके बाद उनकी माँ मर गयी! तो उन बच्चों का पिता अपनी ससुराल मे बच्चों के नाम से सम्पति का दावा कर सकता है क्या. और यदि हाँ तो क्या मिलेगा उन बच्चों को कुछ ननिहाल से.

 3 Replies

Anila Sabu   07 February 2022

In response to your query,

The children are entitled to their mothers’ property, in same way the mother herself has legal rights over her parent’s property as per section 15 of the Hindu Succession act.

In this situation as the mother has died and she was the link through which they (the children) are related to the grandparents, the children can directly inherit their grandparent’s property.

The father has no rights to claim his In-laws property, even if its for his children as they are directly entitled to it.


Anila K. Sabu

Aryan Raj   08 February 2022

Hey Anila, 

Can you explain what happens after the death of the wife.


Aryan Raj 

Anila Sabu   08 February 2022

Dear Querist,

As soon as the wife passes away, there will be a  deemed partition under section 6 Hindu Succession Act and out of the property that she (the mother) gets, her husband and her children will simultaneously inherit their portions of the property according to 15 Hindu Succession Act.


Anila K. Sabu

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