1. Wife filed false DV case under sec 18,19,20,22.
2. Wife demanding 30,000/- per month, but court give judgement for Rs 4,000/- per month as interiem maintenance.
3. Husband appeal in session court to reduce maintenance amount ( Don't know wife is aware about this or not )
Court give the date for hearing of this affidavite
My Question :
1. After 4 month of court judgement for Rs 4,000/- interiem maintenance Wife again file affidavite in same court to increase amount to 30,000/- per month and asking Rs. 3 lakhs sridhan from in-laws u/s 22 ( wife is saying husband don't have any responsibility and earning well )
2. Important Question is : Can wife ask Sridhan amount from in-laws ? as wife have less chance to get money from husband so they want to presurrise in-laws.