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Aftab4u (PVT EMPLOYEE)     30 November 2012

10 question that men seek answer for.

10 Questions that men seek answers for :
1. Women get equal education and more privileges than men. Then
why are husbands legally forced to carry wives financially?

2.If husband ask money from wife it is termed as dowry and has
made a crime. Why is it termed as Alimony and has made a right,
if wife does the same?

3.Adultery is legal for wives; why are men jailed for the same act?

4. If women dress like hookers its liberation; if men show any sort of
s*xual interest why is it called s*xual harassment?

5. Why are men taxed more than women for the same pay?

6. Why are men banned from contesting in panchayat/municipal
elections in certain constituencies?

7.Why men are denied protection under Domestic Violence Act and
Sexual Harassment at workplace Bill?

8.Why do we hear ONLY about 8,000 legally PRESUMED dowry
deaths per year, but not the soaring maternal mortality rate of 540
per 100,000? (China=55, Srilanka=60, USA=8)

9.Why do women child and animals have ministries but not one for

10.If mother take away kids, courts say kids need mother. Why are
fathers jailed for child abduction if he does the same?

 4 Replies

A1981 (abc)     30 November 2012

Men are men!

Men can't cry, that is how and that is for creater made them. It is ofetn argued very loudly that woman is no less than man in any sense but we all know we are architecturaly as well as fundamentally,  differnetly designed by the creater himself. Both have their own merits and demerits . You must be proud that evry thing is done beleivng that it is only the men who don't need protections. If we, men start seeking protection then who will protect? Men can't cry for their problems , they have to figure out some way to solve problems not to cry for it,  it is not expected from us.

Yes, We do protect child, woman and animals. Obviously you cann't expect them to protect us.


Don't get puzzled by these, just think all these 10 numerations benifits our sisters and mothers also not only wives. The blunt truth is, "we the men who deviced all these illogical laws". 

No one on this earth is capable of doing justice or injustice to anybody. There is only the one who decides what is right and wrong for us. He doesn't need any appeal  or arguments. We all will be judged one day sooner or later. Just do what you think is right!

Let me write few very old saying for you-

"Ja ko rakhe sainya, maar saka na koy!!"

"Bakri pati khat hai, taki kadhi khal. Jo nar bakri khat hai tako kaun hawal"




Aftab4u (PVT EMPLOYEE)     30 November 2012

U wanna say that men should suffer like that only....Men cant cry ? agreed god has created both but their devil mind is ruling us god save us

A1981 (abc)     30 November 2012

You got me wrong. We shouldn't suffer. We must protect ourself and them as well i.e what expected. Let me give you an example - 

Lion neither goes for hunt nor it takes care of cubs. Lioness does these for lion and cubs. Lion only protects them. See that is how the nature is designed. Very well if their would have been civilization in jungle by now Liosns whould have been prosecuted under "domestic violence". But laws of nature always precedes law's of civilization.

A1981 (abc)     30 November 2012

Let me add more - 

laws of nature always precedes laws of civilization 

laws of civilization always precedes laws of society 

laws of society always precedes laws on paper. 

We can deal with laws on paper rest are very difficult to deal with. We may caught wrongly in laws on paper but they are dealing with laws of society for implicating innocents. Believe me that will be much tougher than this. You win or loose here it won't affect that much as if you loose in society.

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