Dear Dr. Tripathi, if you really want “God” exist in this Chalisa you have to make it a “Humanitarian” and Hinduism is against “Humanity” so the Chalisa should be faraway from any smell of Hinduism otherwise it will not have the “God Existence”.
Please have a view on some more opinion in the following thread of yours;
Originally posted by :Renuka Gupta
Ram Rajya is a very controversial term for projecting an ideal state. To me for example, women have to remain oppressed in that Rajya and keep on proving their chastity. These episode/s can't be pushed under the carpet. Dalit population of the country would not like this term as with all their respect to Mahatma Gandhi, they do not like the term Harijan for them and with good reasons too.
I have not read the Chalisa, so can't comment on it. But yes, if it projects the constitution as a noble route to establish Ram Rajya, it hits at the very secular concept which the Indian Constitution promotes.
Originally posted by :Renuka Gupta
Correction: Dalit population of the country would not like this term as with all their respect to Mahatma Gandhi, a section of them used to be known as Untouchables do not like the term Harijan for them and with good reasons too.
Originally posted by :Ram Samudre-DRF
Renuka ji. please post your this opinion in the following thread;
since if I will say this so some "BUDBAKs" are also here who do their "Bakwas" without think.
I have discussed with Dr. Tripathi on the word "Ramraj" and he shown good understanding on it. The word "Harijan" was a sweet conspiracy by the Gandhi under his so called as Mahatma but we know he was nothing more than a conspirator of Hinduism. The castism & chaturvarn was a conspiracy under the Godism of "HARI". Wheresoever "Hari" exists in human society here in India there is the castism & chaturvarn exists with it. Gandhi is also projected as Mahatma by the conspirators of Hinduism & Chaturvarn. We understand that the people of RSS are less dangerous than the MAHATMAISM OF GANDHI. Gandhi was a little smart as if he openly join the RSS than his conspiracy would be open and his conspiracy would not have succeeded.
If the word "Harijan" is justified so someome tell me that is the so called Mahatma Gandhi is not a "Harijan"?
The most of the people including the Government of India do not consider that some "Ram" took Birth in Ayodhya and it is only a myth projected by some conspirators of Brahmanwad to exploit people. The Government of India has submitted an affidevit in Supreme Court in the case of so called RAMSETU stating that no evidence is available which proves the birth of any Ram s/o Dashrath resident of Ayodhya.
As regards "Chalisa" made by Dr.Tripathi, it is otherwise a good one if the words "Rajraj" and "Harijan' are removed.
Dr. Tripathi,
These are our friendly suggestion to make your efforts a great success and so please do not take it otherwise. We do not insist for anything here as this chalisa in present composition is not going to affect on people as the Hinduism is already defused on 26 November 1949 and completely on 26 January 1950 that one can see in a real view of population of India.
None can help if the parrot close the eyes and think that the cat is disappeared.
In last words, I am sorry if any of my word hurt you but believe me to that I have no intention to hurt you.
Best wishes for good work.