354A fir (s*xual harassment at the workplace )done & case goes to court, I would like to know how much is my cousin sister(complatant) chance to win this case on the court.. because we have not evidenced of s*xual harassment at workplace.. we have our statement that officer done chedchad in a room 2-3 times. we oppose many time .. the officer has done chedchad in last 2 month 4-5 times but my cousin was scared by officeer to misbehave..but when officer not success in his plan to go above chedchad.. then he conducted an inquery of work in between this chedchad incident to agree my cousin for personal favour.. but when my cousin refuses to do officer personal favor and chedchad then he started explanations, complaints, complaints by other people and complaint of my cousin that she is not working properly..but one thing should be noticed that in this organization she is working for 5 years but in between no explanation or complaint register on my cousion but in last 2 month when offecer started chedchad and he want to agree her his personal favor, he started continuosly inquery and found some irregularity in work and continuosly giving explanation letter, complaint to my cousion... s*xual harasment commitee, police, and court ask for evedience.. what should we do.. ...and this inquery, complaints, explanation that officer put on police, s*xual harasment internal committe & court.. to save... we have no evedience.. but need your help how con we fight, give us points how can we fight in court, police to save.. what you think about this case result. please tell me that our statement is sufficent to fight this case and win this case or need evedience.. because mostily in chedchad casse there is no evedience.. because chedchad done in workplace and we dont collect evedince because no one was there when office done this misbehave.