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Mahadev   16 December 2015

406ipcthreatened_anticipatory bail

Respected Lawyers/Members,

                                                 My divorce case is ongoing and my wife has  filed 498A case in different state now after my divorce application for which me and parents are on bail i.e me on regular bail and parents on anticipatory bail. We have already told wife side ever since she didnt come back and asked ,e for divorce  to take their items ( Stridhan) in writing i.e Court approved document but they are saying they want it without any written document and have threatened to further file a 406IPC case unless we also give 40 lacs alimony despite she working and earning 1 lac per month.

                                            As there is a huge risk anticipated and i don't know in which state she will file 406 case as her father , uncle and aunties are in 3 different states , can i take Anticipatory bail from my state high court and will it be valid if 406 is filed in a different state. When police comes can i show them the anticipatory bail copy.

                                            Courts generally may not easily grant AB unless FIR is there but what is the use once Police comes and arrests . Will i be able to get AB from my state High court where I am residing without FIR and showcasing the court the risk that I am facing .How do i apporach the court and what do i plead.

 4 Replies

Adv. Yogen Kakade (+ 91 9225510883)     16 December 2015

You have already posted so many queries for the same issue.. To apply and get bail you will have to consult and appoint a lawyer.

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     16 December 2015

Don't scared about 406 ipc consult your lawyer, don't give a single penny to her, contest your case when she will file the case then asked for the stridhan list and return all her genuine article by making handed over taken over of the list with your, her and witnesses signature .

Mahadev   16 December 2015

Thanks Laxmikant Sir. I am ready to fight and have always mentioned to return all her articles . Sure i will not give her any article without anything in writing. This is a blackmail to which i will not succumb. Once again thanks for your support.


Mr Mahadev,

This is UR 3rd similar query with the same subject,why don't U continue the same thread.

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