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498 case


I filed a 498 case against husband,in-laws.They filed for squash in high court.I did not get any summons from high court.I dont know whether his quash is dismissed or not in the high court.When i visited the hc, no details are displayed under the party name.

If quash is failed in high court then what is the next procedure and if not dismissed what is the procedure?Please let me know.

Husband got bail and his parents didnot get arrested.Police say that it is a long procedure to arrest in-laws.They said they need to enquire and then file a charge sheet.

I filed case a year back.Till now proceedings are slow and my father-in-law is a government employee.

What will be the arrest procedure of in-laws and consequent steps in 498 case further?

In laws asked for money after marriage and harrased in phone calls after marriage.Marriage happened 6yrs back and now i have one kid 10months old.after 4yrs of marriage i am able to find where husband is doing job i.e mumbai.He left away when i am pregnant after 11months staying there .

Pls anyone let me know the details and information on court proceedings.

 16 Replies

Vidya (ss)     17 July 2015

Dear Lakshmi,

at first I sypothise you situation.. And feel shame which kind of environment motivated towards such egoistic.. Torchring games.

Even 6 years of your married life doesn't allow you guys to understand and led happy life..really considerable ...that to after giving birth to kids

well 1st are you clear about yourself what you needed?

even though ours Hindu laws framed to protect....but still our society won't accept such police, court involvements in wife and husband matters. Once it reached them ...least possibility of becoming together.

here is my advice:

1. When you felt he is torchring you for additional dowry in 21st century .instead of expecting 498a, police court can change him is a foolishness. Never happen.

Even though it has framed to solve the conflicts and strengthen relationship.

In this corepted country almost not happen so.

you should have say him get out of my life and compensate for our kids future.

you might  get out of that hell by divorce and go for second marriage.. To save your valuable life. And helps your kids bright future.

there are many sections to go easy way.

2.if you felt  your relation is good it is temparaory war.. You should have stayed away from him...and give some time to realize himself.

But here in your statements clearly shows how egoistic you are..

You are living away from him since 1.5 years you did the maximum you can do to your legally just follow how it leds.

even today your not worried about yours, your husbands and your kids life

 Only your in-laws not arrested their your ego hurtted .... Stop such evil games.

make use of courts, lawyers, police for real cause..

In our country there are 1000s of problems for them to deal

in this way same like 3 monkeys story.

you and your husband fight, loose money , loose time and many

police, layers benefited.

our Ramayana doesn't show us Sita filed 498a ... She trusted gave best solution for Rama and sitas wed life. If I were your sister I use to suggest you so.

good luck


If UR husband has gone for a quash in the HC,U will not be intimated about it.Quash of 498A in HC is only 30% chance.U can move a petition in the court to expediate the matter.Hope U have engaged a good and a competent lawyer.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     17 July 2015

if court wants your presence then only court will summons you and check in the website with full or few letters of your husband

498victim.x   17 July 2015

Lakshmi, never give up. Use all your resources until your figure out that you are lost in nowhere land. Good luck. God bless Indian males.


Hello Vidya Madam,
I saw ur reply.U can see clearly from my words about the fact that i waited helplessly bearing all in-laws evil things for 6yrs without filing any case.

I dont need to time pass or waste court time.I first tried to solve problem personally and next step i kept before his elders and after my parents then finally to court to just make my husband to come and see our kids face atleast.i believe in OUT OF SIGHT IS OUT OF MIND.

Do u guess atleast that anyone will leave a girl after 4th day of marriage itself for the sake of money and properties?If husband changes 11sim cards a year how difficult it is to investigate his another new ph number?

A fact in this story is that they are my mothers own brother's son married me will fully and he is not the problem creator even today.He simply listens his parents and do what they say without judging gud or bad.

I hope strongly one day or the other my husband father will leave him when he is in crisis or when he is in need of money for court cases because my father-in-law squeezes 3/4th of my husbands salary every month just because he brought up him till he stand up on his legs.

My mother married 28yrs back cant guess that his brother may have this poisoned mind.

1 Like


My husband applied for quash and in court website this is written i cant understand :

To stay of all further proceedings including the appearance of petioners in Police station pending disposal of criminal petition and pass

Anand Bali Adv. (Advocate Solicitor & Consultant)     17 July 2015

Dear Laxami,

In a criminal case, as it is 498A, to make it compoundable ( as it is not a compoundable offence) for getting it quashed the complainant's consent is necessory; however, if the case is prima facie appearant that it is false  and fabricated case it needs a IO's report stating  so  and a chanse will be give to the complainant for hearing so in that case the second respondent is always the complainant who has a right to hear byu the court.

So till you do not get any summons to attend the case you are assured that no quashing under 482 can be done by the court. here you are advised to file a caveat application in the court for your precaution.

in case the court proceedings are slow because of the delayed trics from your husband side you can file an application in the court to expedite the matter by making bound the accused be present in the court and obey the court's proceedings without fail and any delay.

You areadvised to send me your case file, only after going through I shall be able to sujjest you some thing good in your interest.


When i went for showing the new born baby for the first time in-laws filed a case in their village that we went for attempt to murder and life threat for them.I dont know even people are this type now-a-days Vidya Madam.

Vidya (ss)     18 July 2015

hi Lakshmi ,

nice with your reply I can conclude...appreciating thing is still you love your husband,

your husband is not your problem ..I can say he is trying to obey both of your commands( parents and wife) where in 21st century is a big crime.

but here, I can say imagin your loved one situation torcher he might experienced ..both of you like 2 eyes.. He can not decide who is great.

and finally I can say (with experience of my friend) our society players major role here. My friend use to love her wife a lot and same situation arised .,, from his side he says "32 years of my parents will become nothing to me after wife arrived ?" " sure she is my half but rest of my half I need to give my parents only" ...but she failed to understand.

even on the day of filing case he tried to say " will it strengthen our relation"?

But finally when his parents 60 years old mother, 2 sisters (1 widow and her 2 daughters giving 10th exams) gone jail .. How much they cried and all his relative blam by saying " because of  your wife"  now he hate her more then any on earth.

i hope it helps you to understand and act.

i don't care any lawyers or judge or courts wish your relation should be good and continue for long.

but I wish as a indian women.

good luck


hello vidya madam,

As you said if he identifies atleast that it is a torture for him first and then for a girls parents too it will be much appreciated.Why girls parents are  unknowingly in pain with these issues?

No he is not in b/n his parents and wife;he is between his family development or to accept another marriage arranged by their forcing to remarry;he says no.

Time will definetly solve with court help.

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Vidya (ss)     18 July 2015

Well Lakshmi everyone have there their own experience ...even though I am a women literally I have seen how a bad attitude women can destroy happy family.

herr I am doing my best to avoid such opinion on indian women..who named as great understanding in entire world...

but at final you, your family and your personal life....

hope god bless you.and gift lovely life.....


hello vidya madam,

As you said if he identifies atleast that it is a torture for him first and then for a girls parents too it will be much appreciated.Why girls parents are  unknowingly in pain with these issues?

No he is not in b/n his parents and wife;he is between his family development or to accept another marriage arranged by their forcing to remarry;he says no.

Atleast if in-laws are called up by police or court then we can atleast exchange our ideas regarding this in-laws are not opening door atleast since marriage.

Time will definetly solve with court help.

1 Like

498victim.x   18 July 2015

Once again it is clear that this is another false case. Wife, her parents and relatives need to understand the actual purpose of 498a. It is legal equivalent of nuclear weapon. Do not expect that the husband would love you more or would become your slave afer 498a. As Ms Vidya said, he and his relatives hate you more than anything on this planet. Wives and relatives, please stop thinking that you can do anything to husband and his relatives with 498a, just because it doesn't have the misuse clause, thus use it till you get bored or to have short time fun. But never forget, you are ruining your life too. The fact is, ruining of your life episodes will start bit later. If you want your husband back never use 498a on FALSE BASIS.



It is a disgrace to the family values that such a thing happened in a house which is nothing but UR mother's maternal home.Own blood relation acting in such a manner is not pardonable either in the eyes of the almighty or law.Other things U have been ably adviced by Vidya and others.Have faith in god and destiny and hope U end up with a favourable result.

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