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Balaji (Self)     04 December 2014

498a absent petition

Hi Sir, Wife filed 498 on me only on 03.09.2013 and Divorce filed u/s 13 1ia, ib by wife and FIR only my name mentioned and Remand Report they mentioned my parents names also. I applied in AP Highcourt 498a quash including FIR Certified copy and Remand Report certify copy and  Divorce certify copy and other evidences on 17.11.2014.when I checked the status in AP High court website status is showing 'ADMISSION' Listing date is DAILY changing to nextday daily.  I have seen listing date on 26.11.2014 till now didnt change. still its showing listing date is on 26.11.2014. But we have hearing in Lower court on 06.12.2014 in JFCM Court. am waiting for stay order and UPDATE in High court.

Please advise wheather I can send our home town lawywer to file absent petition and about 498a quash in High court memo in JFCM Court? If I send our home town junior lawyer to file absent petition Is judge will accept? because I have threat from in laws and wife. Please advise. Thanks for ur time

Please provide the draft 498a absent petition copy.


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