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Q Slinger (NA)     19 May 2015

498a - Accused Presence During Framing of Charges

Dear Experts:


My 498a trial is about to start shortly and I believe the first step is framing of charges.

My parents are very old and are unable to travel to court for the framing of charges part of it. Can my parents give a general power of attorney to my lawyer with a written statement stating "not guilty" etc instead of being present in the court?

Is there any way they can get an exemption from attending court? Is there any other alternative, such as framing of charges via a video conference?

Thank you all.





 1 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     20 May 2015

excemption from appearnce is usually not granted during certain stages of the trial like filing of charge sheet, framing of charges,evidence etc. still it is at the discretion of the you can file a petition  for exemption stating the age and health condition of your parents.

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