Hello All,
1. Myself + other family members are accused for 498A case. My bail has been already regularised for 498A but the case is yet to start.
2. The JMFC court where my case is going to start only runs for 3 days(Mon,Tue,Wed), as the magistrate in this court attends other court (Juvenile court) for rest of 3 days of week. So this court only runs for 3 days of week.
3. Its very difficult for me to attend this court on these 3 days due to following reasons-
a. I am employed in a private company and due to my work restrictions, it will be almost impossible for me to attend court dates on Mon,Tue, wed (3 days on which magistrate is present in this court)
b. I want to co-operate court procedure but I want my case in such court which runs all the working days of court
4. Can I ask the court to change the hearing dates as per my convenience (I mean Thus, Friday and working Sat of court)?
5. if point 4 is not possible, then can I apply for change of court (locally in the same area)?
6. if point 5 is possible then whom should I write an application for the same? (should I apply before Principal Judge?)Kindly please share the application format and procedure for change of court (locally from one jmfc to other jmfc).
7. Is it a valid reason for change of court as I may loose my employment due to continuous leaves on Mon,Tue,Wed (3 days)?
Thanks in advance.