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Gaurav (Engineer)     01 December 2015

498a compromise

Hello Sir, 

My wife has filed maintenence and 498A case against me and my parents. Manitenece case has settled and i m paying 15,000/- per month as alimony to wife and 3 years old minor son. I also filed divorce case on ground of mental cruelty. 

498A Case Stage - Procecution evidence closed.

Divorce Case Stage - Arguments 

Now, In Laws wants to compromise on 20 Lakhs. 

I need your opinion what shall i do now.

Kindly advise. 



 5 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     01 December 2015

Doing anything out of the court is not advisable while the proceeding is going on.consult your lawyer before proceeding

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     01 December 2015

If you think the amount is reasonable and in your reach then after consulting your lawyer you can move for mcd, for that you have to file fresh case in the court, don't did any compromise outside the court.

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     01 December 2015

If you think the amount is reasonable and in your reach then after consulting your lawyer you can move for mcd, for that you have to file fresh case in the court, don't did any compromise outside the court.

vishak (manager)     01 December 2015

To calculate commercialy - to earn Rs 1.8 lac pa (Rs 15 k/month) @ FD interest 8%, we need to invest 22.5 lac, below this, every sum is win win position for settle.

Vishwanadham Tademeti   01 December 2015

If you think you can afford the amount and if you really want a divorce better go for a mutual consent petetion wherein all the facts should be mentioned and the amount so being paid is full and final alimony and no further calims will arise in future including immovables because according to 2010 amendment a divorced wife also shall have 50% share unless mentioned otherwise. all this is to be done through a mutual consent petetion only through Court. All the best Viswanadham Tademeti

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