We have a long seperation of 10 years due to incopatability. Have a son 10 yrs. Am working in Govt. as lecturar. I came to know recently my husband married/live-in, have another son.He filed a divorce and I didn't accept(5 yrs ago). My lawyer suggested to file 498a & DV case. Filed both to get share in properties for my son & maintenance. He was sent to remand but want to contest the case. What are my chances of winning these cases. I don't have any evidences except date of birth of new child. I complained that he is married and also dowry demand. He was a NRI but now not doing any job, doing agriculture. He want to give property share after his son is grownup, I want to take our share before that lady takes away everything.He is having properties but claims lot of loans. Guide me please, as my lawyer is greedy and asking too much for compensation. Want to know how much I can demand.