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SSP (XYZ)     16 May 2015

498a speed trial (suggestions required)

I need quick suggestions regarding my 498aspeed trial.
498a filed on me and my family members on 2010 and trials started on 2014 January at sessions court.
Trails are moving very slow due to different reasons... Like judge went for training twice , and petitioners absent and some times regular adjournments.
So far we could able finish only LW1 chief and cross Examination.
My parents are de moralising due to cases are prolonging years and years with out any conclusion.

My father (A2) is Handicapped and heart patient, and my grand father (A4) is 95 years old.

I want suggestions from all of you with the above grounds, is there any possible provisions that I can ask judge for speed trail and finish the case ASAP.

My lawyer saying that there are some provisions and we will ask next time .. next time ... like that he is also prolonging. But not filing any petition.

So I decided to file my petition for speed trail.. Please give me suggestions and provisional sections and any format for asking speed trail.


 2 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     17 May 2015

Dear querist 

you may file a writ petition before high court under article 226 of constitution of india for speedy trial.

preeti poddar (student)     21 May 2015

I agrieved and I facing delay for dv argument for. Mainntenence. Also. My. Case kept. Inn CAW. For 1yr. Then Registred FIR under 498A Dec 2014 i. Submitted. All. Statements. docu. Pic. Etc. To I/o. Initialy...but till. Now no. Action. Tkn innn. My matter on other. makes. Me.husbnd desertd 2yrs cruel n dwdemnd. Me. N my kid...needs. Help..thx

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