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Gundlapallis (Advocate)     18 December 2009

5 Nice little truths of life :0)

5 NICE LITTLE  TRUTHS:)          
Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the People gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella...   

THAT'S FAITH                                                               

When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will    
catch her...
Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next Morning but still we set the alarms in our watch to wake up...             
THAT'S HOPE                                                                

We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future or having any certainty of uncertainties. ..                                
We see the world suffering. We know there is every possibility of same or similar things happening to us. But still we get married??...              

 4 Replies

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     19 December 2009


Daksh (Student)     19 December 2009

Dear Venkat,

Thanks for such a wonderful post.

Here are a few inputs from my end

·        Mistakes are embarrassing when they happen but years later, you have a collection of mistakes called Experience, which leads u to Success!
·        Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but'll make climbing easier. Don't ask him for a lighter load but ask him for a stronger back.
·        By the time you realize what your parents said was right... you will have a kid who begins to think you are WRONG...!!
  • A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. So imagine how brilliant   a Human can be by sustaining pressures of life.
·        One beautiful heart is better than thousand beautiful faces! So, choose people having beautiful hearts rather than beautiful faces
·        If u have a heart that obeys your mind, u can win the world. If u have a mind that obeys your heart u can win the love of so many hearts.
·        Champions r not super humans, they just fight for one extra second, when everyone else quit. Remember, sometimes one extra second of effort gives u the Success. Keep trying!
·        The 4 ways to reach God: Look back & thank God. Look forward & trust God. Look around & serve God. Look within & find God.

Best Regards


Gundlapallis (Advocate)     20 December 2009

Thank u dear Daksh

Pearls precious! are ur additions.


Venkat Rao ji, Wonderful.

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