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aman (advocate)     27 November 2012

7 years of practice

when does the 7 years of practice is counted for the higher judicial services exam

1) From the date of enrolment or from the date of membership at bar or something else.

pls reply.







 5 Replies

Naveen Kumar (service)     27 November 2012

From the date of Enrolment 

Sailesh Kumar Shah (Advocate)     27 November 2012

From the date of Enrolment /MEMBERSHIP (BOTH ARE SAME).

surjit singh (Assistant)     27 November 2012

If you mean member of  bar association, then it is not the same  date of member of bar association and date of enrolment is different. For counting 7 years the date on which your license to practice has been issued will be the date from which counting of 7 years will start.

aman (advocate)     27 November 2012

Do we need to show some proof regarding practice.

Because for higher judiciary exam while filling up the form they asked for enorlment id of the bar council and the 7 year practice certificate signed by the district judge and the president of bar.

Naveen Kumar (service)     28 November 2012

Aman Dnt get confused, Calculation of 7 years is from the date of  your Enrolment not from the date of bar association.  becoming member of bar association is your choice. [ you can become immediately or later].

With regarding this judicial exam you just give an letter to your bar association stating that you are practicing in the said bar association since __________ years, so they give practice certificate.   And present the same.

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