Mr. Vasudevan has given valuable advice.Kindly follow it.
Sometimes zealous or over enthusiastic personnel in HR/line management may make a statement without understanding the implications. They may do it on their own, or under instructions, or for a pseudo sense of authority and power or some kind of exhilaration, or just for the heck of it. They feel that they shall succeed in inflicting a fear psychosis and they shall have a fearsome and subdued employee at their disposal and who shall bend to their demands.
Such a practice can not be carried out over board or underground by any establishment or institution. Such personnel are not fit to be left to loose around in a civilized society.
In some other threads some of the employees made such a mention.
Or this HR person shall have to face his superiors for having failed to bring the selected candidiates on board by hook or crook.
Employee should endeavor to record such transactions {audio/visual} and act. This shall drill sense into the head of at least one such individual and he/she shall refrain from stepping on the toes of an employee. The implications and consequences can be serious, for such personnel, if the affected employee is determined and properly informed.
Each individual has a right to work and survive and these personnel are neither lawmakers, nor governors, or judges to decide who shall continue to have right to work, and who shall be deprived of it.
If you have agreed to or accepted a job offer company may chase you as per terms described in the offer and accepted by you. However company shall succeed only if its claim is just and lawful. Company may claim it has spent a huge amount on recruitment but it shall be difficult to succeed in proving its claim.
The candidate also invests huge amount of his /her valuable time, resources, monies in preparing and attending the interview. Company shall select best of the best and reject many,however company does not disclose all about company, job, prospects, work culture, environment, standing, reputation, ranking, expectations, conduct, increment policy, growth prospects during the interview and job offer and best in the best candidate also has the right to select best in best company and employer. No company advertises how many employees have been terminated by it, how does it forces and coerces its employees to work late, on holidays, without paying OT, how many bad legal notices it has issued to employees, how may law suits it has filed and lost or for that matter won, how much and how many payouts it has denied, how many employees have reported abuse at workplace. All companies do not pay all expenses incurred by candidiate.
Company would like to enjoy to the discretion to withdraw the offer citing a reason or even without it, hence candidate/employee shall also have the discretion.
A selected candidate may find the company and its culture scary and may get worrisome after having received the offer.
Think of a fitting logic and reason for declining the offer.
A loud and rude executive faced by employee while facing interview, during selection, or a feedback by seniors, ex employees, peer, market may deter a candidate to join the company.
You may consult elders in the family, competent and experienced well wishers, lawyer/law firm on your issues and proceed under advice. Do not get subdued.
You may choose carefully employers with good HR practices and be with one of them and avoid collecting too many offer letters. Thus you shall avoid unnecessary transactions and legal hassles too.
In all probabilities NASSCHOM is not privileged to blacklist any employee maintain a list of blacklisted candidiates.
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