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Nitin (Regional Manager)     28 December 2013

Credit card robbery & fraud in china

Dear Experts

I am writing for your advice on a credit card fraud I have been victim of. The incident is as under:

I am working in a  multi-national company as Regional Manager for India & South East Asia. I travel extensively for work. On 18 Oct, I was robbed by some unidentified men in Shanghai near my Hotel (Hotel Hilton) while I was returning to the Hotel. They snatched my wallet, took ~ 200 RMB cash from it  & returned the wallet back after 10 minutes. They made transaction with all my 3 Credit Cards (as I came to know after talking to their helplines afterwards) - HDFC, American Express & Citiabank. Out of which, only HDFC was compromised. HDFC told me some M/s PU DONG XIN QU TANG swiped 5000 RMB (Rs 50257.57) on my credit card. I followed the process with all credit cards thereafter, but now HDFC is claiming the fraud transaction sum with me.

I have following points & questions in my defence.

 1. I don't even know this transaction occurred. HDFC didn't send me an SMS or even an email for this transaction till date. I never signed any transaction slip.

2. No-one from HDFC security department called me to check whether this high value transaction was made by my consent or not. 

3. I asked HDFC specifically by an email if I am needed to lodge a police complaint? I didn't progress further because their representative assured me that 'this transaction will be reversed, nothing to worry'. I did inform local police. Two police officers came to my room in the Hotel along with Hotel Manager. They recorded my statement and went back. They asked me to come to police station if I want to register a complaint. I waited for HDFC to advice, but when they didn't, I thought the matter is resolved, so I didn't log complaint with China police. 

4. While HDFC honored the so called transaction, both Citibank & American Express denied the same transaction. HDFC representative who came to me for getting a customer dispute form signed confirmed to me that he has checked with both cards and confirmed they denied the transaction. Why HDFC security system is not as good as others? Why should customers pay for their shortcomings?

5. Upon my insistence, HDFC produced the transaction slip from the merchant. It clearly had a very different signature than mine (inscribed on the credit card). I sent scan copy of my signatures to HDFC Cards and asked them why did Bank honour the transaction when merchant produced different signatures than customer's? But, I didn't get any reply. 

6. I even asked Bank to provide details of the merchant so that I can log a FIR with Mumbai Police, and I also asked Bank if I should log a FIR with Mumbai Police. But I haven't got any reply. 

The bank is not replying to any of the pertinent questions asked, but just maintaining its rant that I should pay because credit card was physically swiped. 

I am attaching the transaction slip & my card scan copy for your reference. Also attaching all relevant correspondence with the Bank. 

I am not sure how to protest. Can you please advise any action which I can take with your help to prove my innocence or to fight with HDFC Bank?

Would appreciate forum and experts help. My email ID is nitinsoni80 on gmail.


Capt. Nitin Soni



 8 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     28 December 2013

The attachments:


·                                 726189008_gmail - resolution needed in case of fraudulent transaction on hdfc card_ ref no 13324761612

·                                 13352615917 etc.pdf

are not  accessible.


Pls attach again.


You have posted that:


>> “They made transaction with all my 3 Credit Cards (as I came to know after talking to their helplines afterwards)”


Did you inform M/s HDFC Bank Ltd immediately after the robbery?


Did you obtain the complaint number and did the banker on helpline number issue complaint number on his own?



Since it is not photo card the vendor has to match the signature.

Had it been photo card the vendor had to match the photo and signature both.


M/s HDFC Bank Ltd has chosen not to deny the payment to vendor although since signature do not match it should have taken up the matter with vendor.



>> “I asked HDFC specifically by an email if I am needed to lodge a police complaint? I didn't progress further because their representative assured me that 'this transaction will be reversed, nothing to worry'.”


Did you record this call and obtain complaint number?


The bank has recorded this call and demand the call recording from the bank and offer to pay for it the reasonable amounts if any bank wants to be paid?



>> “I did inform local police. Two police officers came to my room in the Hotel along with Hotel Manager. They recorded my statement and went back. “


YOU can obtain the copy and lodge the complaint based on the statement.




>> “While HDFC honored the so called transaction, both Citibank & American Express denied the same transaction. HDFC representative who came to me for getting a customer dispute form signed confirmed to me that he has checked with both cards and confirmed they denied the transaction. ‘


Have you retained the copy of dispute form and did the bank person provide the acknowledged copy to you on his own?



>> “Upon my insistence, HDFC produced the transaction slip from the merchant. It clearly had a very different signature than mine (inscribed on the credit card).”


Since the signature do not match and you had informed the bank of robbery now bank should deny the payment to vendor and waive off to you.



>>  “I also asked Bank if I should log a FIR with Mumbai Police. But I haven't got any reply. “


Bank is under obligation to guide you.


However this bank in particular as it is understood from various portals maintains studied silence.


>> Withdraw all funds from all a/c of HDFC bank and cancel all FD’s, locker at once.



This bank at any time would put a lien and withdraw the equivalent amounts from your funds kept with this bank.



>> Keep a seasoned and experienced banker by your side.


You would now have to struggle a lot to get the matter resolved.


You may have to approach DCDRF as the chances of getting a waiver from the bank are bleak.


Prior to that let your lawyers build a ground for you.


>> You can access the judgments delivered in case of this bank at:




>> YOU can approach many consumer help groups e.g;



You must approach a competent and experienced lawyer specializing in consumer cases/such matters and with the help of your lawyer you may issue a final representation to the MD of the bank

 Aditya Puri


with a copy to:


Smt. Uma Subramaniam
Chief General Manager -in-Charge
Department of Non-Banking Supervision
Central Office
Centre I, World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade
Mumbai-400 005.

Phone: 022-22153350

Email id:


( DNBS:  Dept. of Non banking Services)

Reserve Bank of India
Central Office Building
18th Floor, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Mumbai-400 001.





You may find many threads pertaining to CC relevant e.g;





1 Like

Nitin (Regional Manager)     29 December 2013

Thanks a lot Mr. Kumar!

I have attached relevant correspondence again. Hope this time it's accessed. 

Yes. I informed bank as soon as I regained my composure after the robbery. I think it must have been 45 minutes or so. 

A complaint number from HDFC Bank was received immediately. I think the first complaint no was 13292635020.

No. I didn't record the conversation with HDFC executive where he said 'this transaction will be reversed, nothing to worry'. The complaint number, as I understand was the same under which these conversations were being recorded.

I don't know how to obtain the copy of complaint from Chinese Police. If someone can guide me on that, I would be grateful.

Thanks again for your advice. I'll try to follow whatever I can do in my personal capacity.

Thanks & Regards


Attached File : 939932163 correspondence with hdfc cards.pdf downloaded: 308 times

Kumar Doab (FIN)     29 December 2013


·                                 You have posted in the attachment: 939932163_correspondence with hdfc cards.pdf


>> From: HDFC Bank Credit Cards Support <>

Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 7:25 PM

Subject: RE:'HBL=021-764-347' Fraudulant Transaction on my HDFC Master Card ending 2746



“We also wish to inform you that the merchant has not settled the transaction as on date and hence, the transaction has not been processed to your card account yet”





>> From: Nitin Soni <>

Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 10:52 AM

Subject: Re: Fraudulant Transaction on my HDFC Master Card ending 2746


“I wish to keep you informed that I have informed Shanghai local police about the incident. They are willing

to cooperate in case the bank needs any statement or acknowledgement from the police.

“The robbers also tried to debit my Citibank and American Express card. Both cards declined the

transaction, because their system detected the merchant as a fraudster. I also got many messages about

the declined transaction”



The communications are self explanatory.


M/s HDFC Bank failed on their part while other banks did not fail to detect the fraud and did not send any SMS.

For the transaction you were to authorize based on SMS.


While Ms/ HDFC Bank have been repeating the CC was physically present it does not agree/disagree that signature did not match.


M/s HDFC bank have concurred that as merchant has not settled the transaction therefore it is not billed to you. Despite the signature mismatch robbery etc it has decided to bill it to you which is a transgression.


You may also demand the certified copy of agreement signed with vendor and communications exchanged with vendor.




You may supply them the contact details of Shanghai police and obtain soft copy of complaint/statement and the emails from Hotel confirming the incidence.


If the vendor was under CCTV surveillance you and bank can obtain footage. This shall reveal many more loopholes.


Your lawyer has already pointed out that there are enough judgments therefore you may rely upon your lawyer.


IN the meantime you may proceed to obtain injunction from DCDRF, HC so that this bank does not report you as defaulter to




You may offer to pay Rs.50/ to bank and demand certified copy of credit report and also the communications it ha exchanged with CIBIL, EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN< MASTER CARD NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LIST, AND IN ITS OWN LIST OF BAD CUSTOMERS..........................



While the bank may agree to provide credit report it may easily part with its communications and attachments sent to these agencies however you must not settle for anything less than that and ensure that it is supplied to you.


Consumer Court can grant interim order leading to Injunction.


You may find another thread as relevant:


HC has granted injunction in such matters:



Mr.P.Janardhan Reddy,Advocate A.P.High Court Phone: 09985133699, has helped his clients in such matters and is an expert with LCI too.


You may go thru another thread at:



Pls keep this thread updated.

Attached File : 939940760 reporting to cibil credit information companies.doc, 939940760 right-to-cibil-credit-report-india.pdf, 939940760 scan-110802-0001.jpg downloaded: 298 times

Kumar Doab (FIN)     29 December 2013


Attached File : 939940760 scan-110802-0002.jpg, 939940760 scan-110802-0003.jpg downloaded: 304 times
1 Like

Nitin (Regional Manager)     11 January 2014

Dear Sirs

Wish to give you an update on the matter. HDFC Credit cards have debited the transaction in my December statement. I have written to their Principal Nodal Officer twice, but haven't got any reply on all open questions. 

I wish to seek your advice on whether I should pay this amount when the monthly bill payment is due? Or shall I now request for Injunction from DCDRF? How to do that? Would appreciate your support here. 

Latest correspondence attached. 

Capt. Nitin Soni


Attached File : 71028714 correspondence with hdfc.pdf downloaded: 182 times

Kumar Doab (FIN)     11 January 2014

The 12 days posted by you may be claimed as 12 working days later by M/s HDFC Bank.......................

The bank shall levy the penal charges...............................

The declinature is posted by bank to recover amount from you although you had asked to block the payout to vendor till satisfactory redressal of your complaint.

You have the option of escalating to MD of the bank Aditya Puri with a copy to RBI whose contact details have already been posted.

The contact details of some of the lawyers that have handled such cases have also been posted.

You have already approached your lawyer. It shall be appropriate to proceed under the advice of your lawyer as all docs and merits have been evaluated by your lawyer in person.

You and your lawyer should decide how you would like to drive your case..................



Nitin (Regional Manager)     18 January 2014

Dear Sirs

Unfortunately, I don't have any appointed lawyer yet. If someone can advise me a good lawyer in Vashi, Navi Mumbai who can handle my case, I would be thankful.

I don't know if the question is right - How much expense is likely to be incurred in fighting this case?

Appreciate Forum's help

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 January 2014

Learned experts/members of the Forum can  guide you to a lawyer at the location Vashi, Navi Mumbai mentioned by you.


If you wish to avail the services of LCI lawyer you can conduct search at:

List of ‘Related  Lawyers’ is being flasshed by LCI on the bottom of this web page.
You can access and Chat with Pro Lawyers.

You can speak to President /Secretary of local Bar council, visit the  nearest Consumer Forum and inquire about Lawyers handling such cases.

Your near and dear ones can also guide you to a lawyer.

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