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girish rathod (Software Developer)     14 April 2012

I want to sell tabbaco product in front of the school

hi i had a very old shop in front of school. my shop is license is very old of  the year2000.. The distance between school and my shop is only 300 sq ft. i want to know how i can continue selling tabacoo product. As my shop 80% profit depend upon the tabacco product.

I know my responsibility, i never selled tabacco to minors. I want to know what is geniune and authorised way to sell tabacco. Becuase one day police constable had came and told to my father to stop keeping the tabacco prduct in your shop otherwise you have to pay fine. The shop license is on my name and my father always  seat in the shop.

Please give me the suggestion.



 2 Replies

Gaurav (Mumbai)     23 April 2012

Dear Girish,

If ur shop iz legally registered for selling Tobbacoo and if you have also license of it..So No Need to b troubled...Besides this if you are selling this hazardous products of that child who iz not 18 years old..then itz your responsibility.....Police men will be jst refused need 2 b embarressd... 

Rohan Sumungal (na)     27 June 2012

After the Supreme Court Decision and COPT Act you are forbidden from selling tobacco products within 100 yards of an educational institution. If you are 300 ft away then you are fine; any closer and you can't continue and your licence is liable to be cancelled. There is no way around this.

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