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Ashok (IT)     03 July 2014

Icici bank personal loan repayment

Dear All,

  I am an IT professional took a personal loan from ICICI Bank during the period 2005 from Chennai. I was repaying that regularly. But in later stage, due to some unfortunate things happened to my life and my financial situation was very bad, I was not able to finish the loan repayment properly. There was Rs 31038 was pending to repay at that time. I have conveyed this to the bank and requested for some more time to complete the repayment. But they have not listen to me and initiated  the action through Hon'ble High Court of Chennai. Finally through Lok Adalat at Hon'ble High Court of Chennai, it was decided to settle the case by pay the amount Rs 25000  and I have made the payment of Rs 10000 in front of Hon'ble High Court and gave the Checque for Rs15000 (The checque also  cleared on the date specified ) . The Hon'ble Court issued the verdict that   the case about this loan is settled and there should not be any more further proceedings regarding this loan. But the bank did not issue the NOC till now and I was requesting for that for the last 5 years. Instead of this, during these period, the collections agencies of Bank was continously calling me and asking me to repay the amount of 31000. I have informed them several time that it was already settled in at Hon'ble court and even send the copy of the verdict once to the bank. They were not listening to that and now they have initiated the legal proceeding again against me and send a legal notice that they are going to publish my photo and details in news and media. 

Please advice me what should I do in this situation .?

Thank you for your time to read my concern.


 2 Replies

icicibankcare (Bank)     04 July 2014

Hi Ashok, 
We regret any inconvenience that you have faced. We would like to help and resolve your problem.
Kindly write to with your contact details. Our official will get back to you.
Refer '071768' in subject line.
ICICI Bank Customer Care Team

Ashok (IT)     06 July 2014

I am sending mails to from 2009 on wards and now arrived in this situation. And you are again asking me to send mail to this email id. Are you trying to make fool of your customers ? Is it your customer service policy ? Even when ever I contacted your customer care to get contact details of the next level official to have the  escalation, they also give this email id and inform me that this is the only contact where a customer can make any complaint.  But not giving any proper answer what if this fails.

So as per the opinion from the legal experts, this is a case of contempt of court and I am now initiating legal proceedings to obtain the justice. 

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