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Username12345 (1)     09 October 2015

Live in with another lady without getting divorced

Hi need legal advice. 

Me n my husb seperated frm 7yrs. DV and 498A gng on in the court. Can I file a case or can law take action against my husband if he remarried or stays in a live in with other lady. Mostly it is a live in relationship. In what all ways can law help me?

 20 Replies

Jothish Kumar (Consultant)     09 October 2015

He is brave and inteligent. Appreciated him.  who lost in their life? You.


By the by My answers to your question

If he lived with another woman (Assumed that he married her)  without obtain divorse order from the Hon'able FC and the marriage is  not registered. No court will take any action against him or her. Because court needs Proofs. ie Marriage registration certificate.

So he is lucky. 




The man is gulty of adultery not bigamy. If his marriage is proved it will be case of bigamy.

Hence you can take divorce.

Sicne when DV Act complaint was filed? DV actis supposed to be a fasttrack assitanceto woman in distress. What relief you have sought in DV Act section 18-22 which one? 

Adultery/bigamy you have to prove.

You are entitled to file divorce petition on multiple grounds. Adultery, cruelty and for maintenance and residence order if you need one.

Cannot giv speicf action plan due to lack of proper infomation about your events and status.,


Jeene ke he chaar din.. baaki bekaar di..

Chaar din mein do din court, 498a, DV khelte rahe toh bache kitne din, do din, ab in do din mein jeena seekliya tumhare pati ne.


Though there is legal recourse for nailing him down, but at what cost? You spend rest of the two days you got roaming to court?

Instead you could have enjoyed with husband right.

Such a sad thing.

Wait for other lawyers to advice some more roaming to court.

Some more money spent, some more grey hair.  Where is justice?

People like Kiccha Sudeep are intelligent ! 971794 (Advocate)     09 October 2015

You are already separated for7 years. Court cases are going on. He may be living in with some lady without lady but getting married to someone is a crime.  Better take mutual divorce and lead separate lives.  This thing called jawani is not going to last for ever for both of you.  Your marriage has broken down, try to find solace.  He. Has found, you too can found.  No point in teaching lesson to ech other. 

SuperHero (Manager)     09 October 2015

He was asked to pay a permanent alimony of â‚¹19 crore (US$2.9 million) and to surrender the custody of his daughter to Priya.

19 Crores for ending a 14 Year marriage.


So what? behind these incidents are generally another woman and the polygamous nature of man. More affluent the person is more love bird he becomes. No wife will tolerate this. 

19 crores must have been given by court after seeing total assets and income of this guy and need for his ex wife and child to maintain same lifestyle as his. If he has 50 cores property what is wrong in awarding 19 crores. Law is always fair.

Our men folk should understand that marriage is no fun and  s*x only but responsibility and raising a family. Society cannot run on vagabond behaviour

I walk alone (Asst Manager)     09 October 2015

Lady, what exactly you want? Ask youself before asking questions here? What punishment you want ur husband to get? The court has not even got enough evidence to convict your husband and charge him with punishment and now the case is going for 7 years, and probably, it will be for another 7 years too.

Want to move on? then move on... want to prove a point, you're in a right path. Just walk on the same path where you're. I suggest, move on.... he has moved on (if he is into some live-in)

and @ Mr. Rajendra, Sirji.. lets not talk about "Law being fair"...19cr of alimony being paid out of 50cr of assets? Sir have you gone thru his case, his assets or evaluated them? if no, then pls dont comment on this. if you can help someone pls do that with your valuable suggestion else, pls dont put your wisdom here. If your experience is good with the law, then good...! we are happy for you, but ours are not, so we are not gonna take your wisdom forward...

& just to give you an example, for Law being fair, assuming that the queriest is the victim here, Courts could not convict her husband even in 7 Years....!! 

Sorry for being rude...


Mr Walk Alone. Wait. More stringent laws are yet to come. Including mandatory share in self acquired property of husband after death like in Indian succession Act and else where in world.and during divorce too. Soon wife will have share in ancestral property too for alimony .

In most advnaced coutries these rules already exists. That is why DDA started in 1978 a scheme for joint allotment of flat/house/plot with spouse(wife). It was finally implemented in 2001 onwards.

This is to give security to women.

Nothing is going to help you by loossing your cool or calling me the names, or getting angry with me or some one else.

law and logic and harsh reality of our society will comple government and courts to move in desired direction.

Even today if you go to haryama,Bihar ,UP,Orissa and other states ebven now in Kerala, dowry menaceis as wide spreadas it was before. rather it hjas increased.

Crime against women are rising in society and not going down. We are working in this field.

Even educated well placed people beatup their wives.promiscuity and extra-marital raltionshiop are rising.May be due to isolated living and liberal enviornment. Every body is after money.

So law has to step in.




SuperHero (Manager)     09 October 2015

@Gupta - Sir. Thank You for Words.

@OP - Sorry to sidetrack your issue. 

I walk alone (Asst Manager)     09 October 2015

@ Rajendra Sir, the QUERIST is Reddy Madam, not me, i'm just another victim of an abusive behaviour from my other half..

"....Even today if you go to haryama,Bihar ,UP,Orissa and other states ebven now in Kerala, dowry menaceis as wide spreadas it was before. rather it hjas increased.

Crime against women are rising in society and not going down. We are working in this field.

Even educated well placed people beatup their wives.promiscuity and extra-marital raltionshiop are rising.May be due to isolated living and liberal enviornment. Every body is after money...."     WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER STATES & WHAT ABOUT THE OPPOSITE TYPE OF CASES?


I hope you got ur desired reply Reddy Madam!


Its better we address ourselves to the querist,who is sitting idle.

Madam, U R saying it is live in relationship,that is nothing but adultery.If U can gather proofs he can be taken to task.Submit proofs in the court,couldd be useful.In that case MCD is the best option.


No point dragging the dead realtionship now. Claim good amount of one time alimony if possible and settle down again.if you can prove it, file complaint of adultery too.

Username12345 (1)     10 October 2015

Thank you everyone for your advice

Username12345 (1)     10 October 2015

3yrs bck I filed 498A & DV. Lst tym wen dey had beaten me badly I went to d police station with my 10mth old baby with me. Dat was d first tym I went to police station. I didn't knw Telugu so dey tld dey can't take for in English. Also they didn't file fir n not even sent me to medical. D inspector there he tld me go home n have as a tablet ul feel better next day. DV case I need to bring witness. I'm really clueless as to how cud I get witness when I was beaten at home. Ppl in d neighbourhood r afraid of FIL.